Can lack of b12 give u regular migraines
Headache: Can lack of b12 give u... - Pernicious Anaemi...
I would say yes! I've been experiencing premenstrual migraines since my 20s, then random but more frequent ones since menopause, eventually 8/10 each month. Tried many medical and lifestyle interventions, and eventually found I could treat them successfully with Zomig triptan nasal spray. During loading doses and for a couple of weeks after I had an almost continual migraine/ headache. I've now been injecting every 2/3 days for just over a year, and have achieved the impossible of a whole three weeks with no migraine! Only once, mind you... but generally I now get about 1 per week. So for me, it's been a huge and unrecognised connection.
Yes, B12 deficiency can cause headaches. I, for one, never get headaches but when I was severely B12 deficient, 70 ng/mL I experienced headaches. As I started B12 replacement therapy the headaches slowly went away though as I healed. I don't recall how long that took exactly but it was at least several months.
I had horrendous migraines fof the first time. A definite link.
Well, I think it's a hard one to prove but in my case I had migraines from age 35 along with my monthly cycle, so half my life so far.. I began to SI vit b12 about 7 yrs ago. I had many neurological symptoms that have mainly gone. For last 9 months I have not had a migraine 😊 I was getting 2 a week before that following menopause. It feels so good not to have to continually take meds for the symptoms or to suffer with the pain 😊
Yes, my migraines were definitely worse when my B12 was at it's lowest (it's the reason my B12 was checked). They're still variable, but no longer happening every 2 days...
For me yes; after experiencing migraines for many years, they have stopped since I began SI weekly.
I get migraines in the lead up to an injection - not always but often enough to convince me there's a link. They get worse every morning until the day of my injection, then magically disappear for a week or so until the lead up to the next injection. Correlation isn't causation but in this case I believe it is!
I link migraine to B12D and iron deficiency. I think that any serious deficiency stresses the body and it's systems. Migraine is a stress reaction. I now get occular migraines for half an hour with the subsequent hangover (rather than pre-menopause three day prostrators) when I am severely stressed but these are becoming very infrequent as deficiencies are mitigated by frequent SIs and haem iron.
When I was at my worst with many symptoms all at once, yes, I had these vague headaches daily. My eyes also ached, weird. Now that I’m managing better, no more headaches. I’m convinced there’s a connection. Hoping you improve soon on your B12 journey.
I suffered with frequent migraines for 20 years, and probably had undiagnosed PA for most of that time. I was using large doses of oral B12 to control symptoms. Once I switched to injecting hydroxocobalamin the migraines stopped. Truly a miracle for me. I can consume foods which were migraine triggers for me, like cheese, nuts, fresh bread, etc without a problem.
Hello, Mozza127, that's what I've heard. I used to get a headache now and then, but since PA has jumped on me, I get very intense headaches and have to go to my room (darkened) for a while to let the pain dissipate, and it usually does, but sometimes the intense pain stays for hours.