Some of you may have seen a post about this survey or will have received an email from the Pernicious Anaemia Society. For clarity we are posting this again separately and hope that many of you will sign up to membership and take part. We are also running a seminar on this topic this month shop.pernicious-anaemia-soc...
This is open to members and non members.
PAS is working in collaboration with a PhD student from the University of Surrey to conduct research that is aiming to improve the management and understanding of pernicious anaemia/anemia. He has asked PAS to post this information below:
"Initially, this survey was limited to those with a confirmed diagnosis of pernicious anaemia to strengthen the data, especially for a research publication. However, we understand that many people face challenges in getting a definite diagnosis due to poor diagnostics, and there are ongoing issues around what should count as a "confirmed" diagnosis of PA. This can mean that many people who likely have PA cannot receive a formal diagnosis due to these limitations.
To make this research as inclusive as possible, the University of Surrey has now made the change to the survey wording to include all PAS members whether you have a confirmed, probable, or suspected diagnosis of PA. This approach lets us gather a wider range of experiences within the PA community.
In the survey, there is a question asking whether you have a confirmed diagnosis, and you can answer according to your circumstances. We encourage all PAS members to take part, as every response will help us gain a better picture of PA and its impact."
PAS encourages everyone who has or thinks they have PA to take part. You do need to be a member of PAS to take part in the survey. This is because membership fees fund our important research work. We are the only charity worldwide funding such research into Pernicious Anaemia.