Does anyone take this as a supplement? And what dose? I searched here and most posts weren’t related to B12. I’m asking because I just read that “glutathione is the glue that helps B12 stick to the carriers.” Meaning proteins to transport it to your cells. I know glutathione helps your immune system but I didn’t know about this. I also read inflammatory foods like sugars and unhealthy fats damage glutathione to clean up. Providers haven’t mentioned this to me and as usual I’m still researching to improve my mystery.
Glutathione in relation to B12? - Pernicious Anaemi...
Glutathione in relation to B12?

Glutathione supplements are likely a waste of time (and money).
I take a multivitamin daily that ensures I get the essentials of everything. I add more vitamin D in the winter and have to inject B12 as I am unable to get it from food.
I take a small amount of glutathione (not liposomal - see Technoid's link), and NAC daily as precursor. I have been chronically unwell for years and have a glutathione absent gene, as well as being nearly 60. I find that they both help me. The glutathione-containing supplement was started first and the NAC added later. I wasn't aware of the B12 connection.
Hi bookish
How did you discover you have a glutathione absent gene?
That's if you don't mind sharing this information
Hi, I did some basic genetic testing from a medical point of view through a functional practitioner. This only gives you pointers towards the theoretical weaknesses/variants that you have, some of which can be positive anyway, even if expressed - and many never express - so I also did what I could by way of 'actual' testing of function, how well I was clearing oestrogen, detox pathways and the like. But in combination with my symptoms over time it gave me some clues as to what might be going on and what might be worth a try, slowly, one change at a time. I have made progress and learned a lot that has helped me. Also learned that we are all different! Cheers
Thank you. I did as well and found my gene variants but only had the report to interpret on my own which is more challenging not being an expert. Nice you had functional provider to interpret and that you’ve made gains! Great to hear!! I recently saw an Integrative Medicine doctor who wasn’t particularly helpful who dismissed my B12 symptoms while acknowledging it had been very low (158). So I’m back to trial and error on my own but am having much improvement from where I started. There’s hope. You’re right we’re all different, and it’s wonderful others here sharing their experiences. 😀
Hi, I must admit I did have to do a lot of it myself, and still am a work in progress. But there is hope and there are always improvements that can be made, if you can just give the body a gentle nudge in the right direction from time to time. B12 is so poorly understood and the implications for the Bs being out of sync. really underestimated. I am pleased that you are making progress and you are so right about sharing and learning from each other - hugely helpful and supportive x
Hi, just butting in and wondering if you could poss share how you tested clearing oestrogen, detox pathways etc please...sounds very interesting. Thank you!
Hi, I used a genetic test alongside a hepatic detox test, through Micki Rose at Pure Health (no relation, found her very helpful). Loads of information on her site and links to tests - have a look at the oestrogen dominance section of the A-Z
If in doubt about what to do next, you can always contact her and ask to make sure you aren't looking for the wrong things.