Hello, this is my first post but I have been reading posts on here, and replies, every day for the last two months, so I have learnt a lot! Thank you!
My main symptom is numbness and tingling in my fingers and thumbs. It started about four months ago and has gradually got worse and worse, so I now have tingling all the time in my middle and index fingers and thumbs on both hands so anything I do with my hands is painful after a while. I wake up in the night often with one or other hand feeling completely numb and I have to sit up and shake the hand or drop it down low to get the blood flowing again. Then I have severe pain in the fingers. I have been wearing wrist braces every night.
I have seen a GP several times but they say my B12 level is in the normal range so won’t prescribe injections. They say the hand symptoms are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as it is only the two fingers and thumb but I say, so what about all of the other symptoms that started at roughly the same time? Heart palpitations, swollen ankles and muscle aches/fatigue? One actually said, regarding the ankles, ‘it has been warm, a lot of people get swollen ankles when it’s warm’! But not constantly for four months! I have had a 24 hour ECG which was satisfactory, but palpitations that keep you awake at night are not normal I don’t think.
I have been diagnosed with mild anaemia and mild gastritis. My B12 level was 264 ng/L in May, but has risen recently to 500 as I have been taking 1000 ug of Methylcoblamin by tablets for a month. I had one B12 injection in June which a locum prescribed, but only one every three months was prescribed. It helped for a couple of days I think.
My Reticulocyte haemoglobin content is below reference limit at 20.40 10*9/L [25.0 - 105.0] and my Transferrin level is slightly below reference limit. I have a private Active B12 Test to take this week.
So could it be Carpal Tunnel? Or more likely B12 deficiency? Any help would be appreciated. TIA.