Hi I have cystitis and looking up treatment see that Nitrofurantoin is prescribed but NHS site says not suitable for pernicious anaemia . I’m going to dr tomorrow -had anyone had this antibiotic and been ok? I’m drinking lots of water
Hi I have cystitis and looking up treatment see that Nitrofurantoin is prescribed but NHS site says not suitable for pernicious anaemia . I’m going to dr tomorrow -had anyone had this antibiotic and been ok? I’m drinking lots of water
I hope you find a suitable treatment.
Do you know why Nitrofurantoin is not suitable for people with PA?
I found this NHS link about Nitrofurantoin
and this link to a patient leaflet for Nitrofurantoin
Might be worth searching forum posts here using term "nitrofurantoin" to find other threads that mention it.
I mentioned cystitis in a thread recently....I suspect I have interstitial cystitis which is cystitis without finding an obvious infection.
Did your GP test for infection or did they treat you on symptoms?
B12 deficiency can lead to nerve damage and nerve damage can affect bladder.
I think that doctors might mistake bladder issues caused by B12 deficiency as cystitis/UTI.
I'm not medically trained.
Its a miserable complaint have you tried a little bicarbonate of soda in water? Cranberry juice is another that helps to clear it. There are over the counter remidies but not sure how they would affect your B12 but you could ask the pharmasist.
Keep well hydrated.
I have PA and just completed a course of Nitrofurantoin without problems. I had tried to ride out my UTI without antibiotics for a month. The acute pain had stopped but I was uncomfortable and not sleeping well, also my urine was very opaque. The Nitrofurantoin worked straight away and I have had no issues with it. I SI B12 every day.
Do you suffer from neuropathy and did the Nitro not make it worse?
hello, sorry you have cystitis. I take d-mannose and cranberry tablets, from Amazon. If you need antibiotics take probiotics afterwards. Hope you feel better soon, x
I believe nitrofurantoin is one of those compounds listed as 'folate antagonists', so it can exacerbate problems with low folate.
It didn't suit me at all, but this was before diagnosis and self injection. Perhaps if one topped up folic acid and B12 while taking it, any effects should be minimised? And good probiotics afterwards. Wishing you better.
Thank you everyone. I’m not sure how to reply to all but appreciate response. I’ve started nitrofurantoin . I rarely get cystitis so decided to give it a go as not sleeping and in so much pain. All the ideas are worth trying if it returns . I take probiotics daily but hopefully this is a one off. Thank you
Yes, I have PA and was given Nitrofurantoin. A mistake, made me feel terrible, nausea hot/cold, petichiae on lower legs. Finally, hospitalised overnight. Not an experience to be repeated. I hope you can recover quickly, I know how horrible it is. Lots of sympathy.🥰
I had Ciprofloxacin the last time I had a problem. Drinking cranberry juice (lower sugar if possible) or taking cranberry tablets may help.
hi, I was given this antibiotic and I was dreadful on it.
I too have pernicious anemia, I’ve had it for 40 odd years now.
I only too three of those antibiotics and my blood pressure went sky high. I felt sick and faint. It was so bad it’s now on my record not to be prescribed.
I get uti’s a lot and find I tolerate amoxicillin best. Hope you get sorted. Best wishes. X