Just wondering if any of you lovely people avoid alcohol? I haven't felt much like drinking recently but when I have, I feel absolutely awful the next day. Just wondering if it's just extra pressure on the body that makes me feel bad or if there's a proven connection I haven't come across yet? Thanks in advance ☺️
Alcohol and B12/folate deficiency - Pernicious Anaemi...
Alcohol and B12/folate deficiency

Hi ClaireWF1346,
The following will clarify for you........
Not only is alcohol devoid of proteins, minerals, and vitamins, it actually inhibits the absorption and usage of vital nutrients such as thiamin (vitamin B1), vitamin B12, folic acid, and zinc. Thiamin (vitamin B1) is involved in the metabolism of proteins and fat and the formation of hemoglobin.
Looks like your going to have to go tea total. 🫖
I always have a glass or two of wine every night. I don't have any problems. I don't drink spirits (or beer).
Sounds like your body is telling you.Listen to it .
I also didn't fancy any alcohol .
Didn't have any at all for over 3 years.
A sign of recovering for me was wanting a glass of wine .
I only had 50mls to test .
So don't say never never but do take care.
It's different being on b12 injections as straight into our blood streams unlike
oral b12 .
I would avoid alcohol, B12 deficiency has similar effects that caused my neuropathy, unfortunately I was a heavy drinker and have damaged my nerve endings, this was mainly through poor diet, and the drinking has caused horrible sensations, pins and needles, burning pains in my feet, sometimes people struggle to absorb B12 properly through stomach issues, also people who receive chemotherapy can get neuropathy as well as diabetics, the symptoms are all related, smoking is another no, no, I receive a 3 monthly injections, and I would struggle without them, and once I became quite weak , I needed folic acid tablets to help with breathing issues and general unwell feeling, I'm tea total these days, and haven't touched a drop of alcohol for over 12 years, I don't miss it, and think of the money saved, all the best for the future 😊
Thank you. I am only 40 and feel like I still have some party years left in me. However, I have definitely noticed even after a small amount of alcohol during my loading doses made me feel awful for days after so it's just not worth it right now.
Yes unfortunately age starts to bring different health issues, I turned 60 last year, even though I feel 25 in the head 🤣, I think life comes along in different stages, it's just trying to accept certain things become more frustrating, I had my partying and plenty of life experiences, but other things happen and now I enjoy a holiday abroad better these days, best of luck for the future 😀
I have a glass of wine some evenings and don't feel any different the next day than when I don't. I'm a cheap date though. Two glasses of wine and I fall asleep! 🤣
The money saving side of things I am happy with, although the zero beers I've been drinking are almost the same price as alcoholic so I need a new, cheaper drink!
don't know about you but I have had some of the worst hangovers from alco free beers 🤷♀️😵💫, and yes it's not cheap, and often not great. Not even sure if it's that healthy, by law it is allowed to have small levels of alcohol and still claim it is free. Can't find it now but I remember having this discussion years ago in work and one of the Consultants quoted a study, said all the drinks are made and then processed to remove the alcohol and he said jokingly "so much for clean living, organic chemicals" Wish I could track that down but memory is quite fuzzy. I have worked with, as colleagues and patients many drinkers, some need to/have to go tea total, it works for them, some will never say never.
I have seen some never drink again(tea total) and thrive, others fall off the wagon and it ends them. I have seen some people who will not commit to never drinking again who thrive, because they plan a realistic intake, might not drink for months then stick to only drinking couple of days a week.
It is very individualised, and there is so much choice now and such better quality, but I'll never be tea total as much as I love tea 😜
😆 I love tea too...as long as it's Yorkshire! I think saying I'm never going to drink again will not work for me. So I need to just have a very small amount when I start to feel better and it will be a treat. But, if it wipes me out for days after, then it will have to go. I only drank 2 times per week, but it was nice to get dressed up for a night out every so often. I am sure I'll find a way to adapt...
And I must admit that a few that I've tried do taste of chemicals/artificial. The best is Erdinger's version as it's actually a nice, refreshing drink without trying too much to taste like the original. I don't drink fizzy drinks at home so having a fizzy drink will be a treat for me when out. Just another huge change to accept!
Bavaria non alcoholic beer from Home Bargains and other supermarkets. Couple of quid for 4 bottles - been drinking this for about four years and find it quite nice.
I ordered a alcohol free wheat beer and it was more expensive that a pint! And it was a small bottle. I find the Lidl and Aldi Lagers are good if chilled. And the Zero Leffe is really nice, unfortunately tiny bottle for no reason as it isn't 6% strength so gets very expensive!
When I was at the beginning of my recovery I was unable to drink anything. It made me feel ill, so it really wasn't worth it. I also didn't see the point in trying to recover by having EOD injections, only to then ruin any improvement by having a drink or two. However, I am now 7+ years into my regular injections, and I able to drink alcohol now. I limit myself to special occasions and holidays as I know alcohol depletes B12. I increase my jabs too if needs be. I still find that wine, prosecco, and champagne, are the drinks that affect me the most, but I know my body, and I know my limits. Therefore, I would say that if alcohol makes you feel unwell at the moment it is best to be teetotal for a while. I did that, and it gave my body a better chance at recovery. Now though, I am able to enjoy the occasional tipple without any issues 😀
I barely drank alcohol for the first couple of years following diagnosis. It would hit me quickly and only a glass or 2 would give me a 2 day hangover so it just wasn’t worth it.
Several years down the line and injecting twice a week which keeps me on an even keel and more or less symptom free, I can now drink a couple of glasses of wine and feel ok the next day. I don’t drink more than that though and generally only once a week maximum.
Hi. I don’t have a problem drinking alcohol with taking b12 injections but I guess maybe it’s not the same for everyone.
Beri beri or thamine deficency is related to alcohol consumption. I used to work with a very good psychaitrist when I was a student nurse and he used to prescribe huge vitmain injections for any alcoholics admitted to have every other day. He also used to give any suspected dementia cases two weeks of B12 to see if it helped. Not many like him around.
As a lifetime heavy drinker up til a couple of years ago, this is something I've often pondered. I've never had a PA diagnosis, but have struggled with B12D symptoms, which improved hugely with injections.
Additionally though, I also struggle to get my ferritin and vit D levels up - both of which I believe are stored in the liver.
My feeling is that my drinking over the years has somehow damaged my liver's ability to store and if I do drink alcohol now, albeit rarely, I definitely feel this. I 'went mad' at the weekend with 4 halves of beer and still feel terrible 5 days later.
There are some interesting posts, including this one if you put 'alcohol' in the PAS posts page search.
Good luck with it. I suspect like many of us, you'll find you stay away from alcohol over time, as the effects just aren't worth it.
Thanks, I'll take a look. It certainly is life changing having this condition. My main concern being that my husband enjoys a drink and so do lots of our friends. I don't want to miss out socially but it's not much fun watching everyone around you getting drunk!
When I gave up drinking I turned to pints whenever I went to a pub. Pints of orange juice & lemonade! 20 years later I don't miss alcohol one bit. Hang in there, sweetie. x
I am a bad after alcohol been like this for years so don’t really avoid very rarely drink x
One, as we all know, everyone is different. But for me, drinking alcohol on a regular basis is akin to chugging battery acid. My gastric mucosa has been ravaged by the years of untreated hemorrhagic atrophic gastritis with significant blood loss. After years of being a two a day G & T guy, I will have one per week. Sometimes that has no ill effect., other times it sends me into abdominal distress. It's a roll of the dice.
I drink 0% lager and with my poor gait I only look like I’m walking under the influence. Hic!!! 🙄🥴
everyone is different.
Like mentioned, alcohol prevents absorption of nutrients because the liver considers it a toxi so it passed any nutrients through until it is don't processing the alcohol; this why alcoholics can end up b vitamins deficient.
That being said, pint here is it's not a good idea if you are still in the recovery phase as it will inhibit the recovery; this the next day affect.
For me, I'm was once a week drinker but once I was severely low on b12 I couldn't drink at all or I would pay the price. It's hard cause we want to have a little bit of fun to escape our daily life. Even now, I have to be careful how much I drink.
Cheers and happy b12ing!
Yeah, I think that's it. I am so fed up of feeling so short on energy, breathless and sleeping badly, I feel like some kind of release would be nice. But I know from a few weeks ago that only a few glasses absolutely wipes me out so as everyone says, not worth it. I am seeing a private specialist in a few weeks so I will ask him about the plan long-term but for now, zero alcohol it is.
This thread made me thirsty so I poured myself out a nice glass of red.
But in all seriousness, didn't touch alcohol until about a year after treatment started. Putting alcohol in the mix with what was happening would have been petrol on the fire. I drink rarely and moderately (1 small glass at most) and often have no alcohol for months at a time - I deliberately avoid making it a routine.
A general point re "low-alcohol" and "alcohol-free" products:
Are non-alcoholic drinks healthy?
Low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks are often marketed as the healthier option. But does that mean they're always good for you? Find out the answer.
Alongside soft drinks, there is now a wide range of alcohol-free or low-alcohol wines, beers and even spirits. But read the labels carefully, especially if you want to avoid alcohol completely or if you’re driving. Although lower than standard products, ‘low-alcohol’ doesn’t mean no alcohol. In fact, ‘low-alcohol’ drinks may contain 0.5-1.2% ABV (alcohol by volume).
Government guidance also recommends that ‘alcohol-free’ or ‘zero-alcohol’ drinks should contain no more than 0.05% ABV, but some can contain up to 0.5% ABV. A can of beer that’s 500ml and contains 0.5% ABV may still give you a quarter of a unit of alcohol.
This was an easily found and linked comment but pretty much the same is said on many websites in the UK (check other countries specifically, the rules might vary).
Thank you for the information. I am not particularly looking for drinks that are 0% alcohol as I'd only be having one or two per week anyway. My original question was whether other members feel that drinking alcohol makes them feel terrible, and it appears that it does! I am newly diagnosed, so am still learning all the ways that this condition affects life 😬