on my last appt with the GP nurse for my B12 jab, my patient notes were changed back from 8 weekly jabs to 12 weekly. My question is can a nurse change my treatment plan on my notes without my permission. I only noticed this when accessing part of my medical notes on my healthcare app. I am unwilling to go into battle yet again with my GP practice to stay with 8 weekly jabs that keep me well. Amy advice appreciated.
B12 Jabs treatment changed again - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 Jabs treatment changed again

In answer to your question 'not that I am aware of' but dont quote me.
If a Gp has prescribed you 2 monthly injections then that is what you should be receiving. I wonder if this nurse has assumed your on the one cap fits all of 3 monthly injections.
Nevertheless this nurse needs to be corrected and your 2 monthly injections reinstated ! I would be questioning who instructed her intervention. I am on 2 monthly, so be insistent.
Good luck.
A couple of links that may be useful if problems continue.
Letters to GPs about B12 deficiency
Thread about Patient Safety, has useful links for those in UK having difficult health experiences with B12 deficiency
a nurse at our practise told me all her patients were on 12 weekly unlike me on 4.
I stood my ground and said the doctor pressed=every 4 week and she backed down.
I do try to have any other nurse except her though to avoid confrontation.
Good luck it’s an uphill struggle for all of us x
I was once diagnosed with functional B12 deficiency by my GP and confirmed by the testing laboratory. This meant my B12 injections, started at the usual regime due to B12 deficiency being found, suddenly being increased to EOD - or 3 a week. I actually got 2 a week as nurses too busy. Still.....
Finally, this started to work. The GP was so pleased that she continued the frequency.
The nurses did not all get on board : "Shouldn't you go back to the doctor now ?" "Your poor arms must be hurting" "Did you ask for this or was it from a consultant report ?" etc.
I did once tell my GP that the nurses seemed reluctant to continue at this frequency. She offered to talk to them but I thought I would be safe as long as there were at least a couple who were alright about it.
I wondered why there were so jittery. I once asked a nurse how many patients had been similarly diagnosed. "3 or 4" I was told. If I was one, then the only other one I knew about was diagnosed by the same GP 10 years previously. But it seems as if I was the only one ever to have had EOD injections though.
I knew it couldn't last. As soon as I experienced further problems six months later, I was sent to secondary care for answers, and the agreed maintenance regime of 1 a month was started. This, on the advice of a locum haematologist, was later reduced to 1 every 2 months.
I already knew this would not help me, that I'd never get back to work, and so I started self- injecting, restarting EOD injections properly. I told my GP the day after the first one.
I remember going in for my NHS injection and the nurse saying "So you're the one getting 2-monthly injections" - as if even that was a rarity.
My GP had been in close contact with a consultant at a major hospital throughout, and was working on advice given.
I am certain that if my injections could have been reduced to the 3-monthly usual routine again on a nurse's decision , there were a couple who would have done exactly that.
Scarey thought !
I now self inject every fourth day. This allows me to have a life so is my maintenance requirement.
I've been on twice weekly jabs, but sometimes I get what seems to be a standard follow up message inviting me for my next injection in 3 months... maybe an automatic response or an assumption without checking your previous notes?