Over the last 20 odd years I got very sick with lots of the typical PA symptoms. I was virtually housebound and incapable of any physical activity, with lots of neurological problems, muscle wasting, anemia etc. These were so pronounced that I received a preliminary (incorrect) diagnosis of motor neurone disease from a neurologist in 2020.
I started SI mid Feb this year, about 10 months ago. Since then I have experienced very significant health improvements and, at times, have been not too bad. Some problems I've had for as long as I can remember have either gone or are massively reduced. Seeing me after a few weeks of SI, my GP wrote me a script for SI based on my massive response to DIY SI. (I'm still DIY though, 1 1500 mcg hydroxocobalamin ampule PD.)
I started SI on the basis of symptoms. Prior to SI Serum b12, active b12, IF/parital cell antibody tests were normal.
From my normal B12 levels, lack of antibodies etc., I suspect that I have some type of functional B12 problem, though I know that none of these tests are perfect.
Is there any other specific treatment option for a functional B12 problem, other than just frequent B12 SI? I'm much better than I was prior to SI, but I'm still very limited in what I can do.
I would very much like to bottom out my condition, to find out whether other therapies might be helpful, perhaps to see whether I might have some other problem too.
I have had loads of tests to exclude things like thyroid function, MS, MND, lots of tests of gut status and vitamin levels etc. All fairly unexceptional.
I would welcome any advice specific to a functional B12 problem and any recommendations for a private doctor or clinic with a handle on functional B12 problems, I understand that this would have to be by PM.
Regards and thanks
Simon, age 51 and a half.