I don't know about any of you, but I just heard on the news that they are docing out of Ozempic,in a multidose vial with a needle for people to draw up and administered to themselves at will. People are overdosing, but yet they're still given them a syringe and their medicine. For weight loss, it's meant for diabetes. And it's hurting people and we can't have our B12? This really irritates me. People who wanna lose weight can have a drug that can kill them and are allowed to inject it and we cannot inject our own B12? This makes no sense to me.
Ozempic overdosing: I don't know about... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Ozempic overdosing

It doesn't make sense at all.
I think this is being reported from the USA and Australia.
Yes it is. It is very irritating that they are doing everything they can to prevent them from OD'ing on it by doing patches and controlled dosages. Why can't they do that for us? MONEY! that is what it all boils down too. There is no money in B12 for them and then it would be too expensive for us to o daily anyway. Maybe we are better off laying low and Si'ing so they don't try to control it too much and jack up the prices.
Its bizarre considering you can actually OD on this ozempic and despite best efforts by EllaNore she was not succesful (nor has anyone else been) in "overdosing" B12 🤪
. . . many a thing can 'irritate' one, . . . with one's 'consent' ( - usually granted subconsciously, . . . without awareness of it ?!) - may be worth experimenting with how LITTLE can truly 'irritate one' . . . withOUT one's consent ( - takes some conscious practice at first !). How else might one attain a 'present moment, wonderful moment' state of mind, . . . even for short periods ( - for there 'is' impermanence . . . ! 😐) ??!
Having physiological functional B12/cobalamin levels is mostly likely to help too ! 🤯❗🙂❗ We'd better FOCUS on getting ourselves WELL, . . . & 'let' others do as they will, . . . re. Ozempic, . . . or a myriad of other local & more distant issues, . . . don't you think . . . ??! 🙂
Sid 😐
Wed 20 Dec 2023, . . . right on ⏳, . . . on a cool enough winter's night.
Our 'mission' cld be to THRIVE, as Maya A (RIP) may have said:
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style". Maya Angelou
Perhaps. I see your point, thanks. But if we don't fight for our rights, keeping ourselves healthy is getting more difficult. To post something like this is to fight for our rights to show others that it is unfair to us how we're treated with our illness. When people who just want to lose weight are handed a needle and dangerous drugs and left to inject themselves, overdose and die. While we suffer, health spas and weight loss spas are dosing out B12 at outrageous prices, $150 a jab. Perhaps something like this should make us fight for our rights more. And not just accept this as our fate. I think that people being irritated or angry about something is what makes change in the world and without people fighting for their rights, what else do we have?