Does a positive INTRINSIC FACTOR ANTIBODY mean I have Pernicious Anemia? Does this mean I'm on B12 shots for life?
INTRINSIC FACTOR ANTIBODY positive re... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Yes and with regard to shots for life, probably - though very high oral doses can work in at least some cases.
Yep, welcome to the positive intrinsic factor club. Any questions, just shout, we're a friendly bunch 😀
I've been using a topical cream and it seems to work great! professionalsupplementcente...
Do you have a diagnosis of Pernicious Anemia?
Most of us with PA are unable to benefit from b12 taken orally or sublingually at all. A few seem to be able to absorb enough b12 if taken in very large quantities sublingually or orally.
Do you know how this cream supposed to work? I understand that some vitamins and minerals can be absorbed through the skin but I would be extremely surprised if any of the added ingredients in a cream rubbed into the skin can enable b12 absorption.
Under terms of sale copied from the company website it states the following:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
Personally I would take some of their claims with a pinch of salt and I believe it would be harmful for someone with PA to rely on these supplements.
As a previous forum member (a biochemist) put it, some time ago:
"The B12 molecules are too large, and too hydrophilic, to enter into cells without help. The B12 will sit on the surface of the skin until washed, or rubbed off"
Are you NUTS? I'm an introvert. I don't like spending time online. And I have pernicious anemia. All I am doing is trying to help. And I get grief for it? The cream seems to work for me.
Hello. Yes, that means you have pernicious anemia. Unless there is more to the story that you didn't include, (not sure though what that would be), a positive means PA. I'm sure by now you've read that 50 years ago a diagnosis of PA was a death sentence, but due to Vitamin B12 shots today it is something one can live with, well, sort of. Yeah, it's a pain to have to deal with all the shots, finding the correct type of B12 that's right for you, getting someone to give you injections, or learning to do it yourself. Glad to answer any questions you may have, but many on here can also do that as well. Good luck. MJat
Interesting. My NP is still saying that I should be able to switch from shots to tablets once it’s leveled off. I’m self injecting now, no big deal for me. Still have tingling in feet. Exhaustion has subsided. Brain fog seems better. Also have ringing in ears. Not sure if this started after the shots or I just started noticing it.
Do you actually have a diagnosis of pernicious anemia? If so, is it because of blocking antibodies or parietal cell antibodies? If it is PA due to those reasons, (like mine), then I have not heard yet of anyone being able to stop injections and go to pills or tablets. I will not ever be able to absorb B12, from food or pills/tablets. That is why they used to say a diagnosis of PA was a death sentence because 50-60 years ago one could not absorb B12 from food or pills. So, I'd say if someone says you may one day be able to absorb B12 in some other way, I'd check really well before discontinuing shots. Not to sound like a bumbling fool, but I've learned not to completely trust anyone about what advice you take, including even mine as well. So I don't ever want to sound like I am an excellent authority on the subject, I'm just a guy who experienced the horrible effects of PA and did a whole lot of research, book reading, etc. out of desperation. Besides educating myself about PA, I also have learned that doctors, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and others in the field simply know very little about PA. I'd just say to be careful and hey, good luck. MJat
I’m finding the nurse practitioner that I see does not know much about pernicious anemia. I asked for the intrinsic factor antibody test after joining this group. It was not her idea. I tested positive, so I’m assuming I am not absorbing B12 through my stomach. I’m also assuming I’ll need shots forever after joining this group. I’ve become my own advocate. I’m also looking for a physician who specializes in this. Thanks for your input.