What level of active B12 is considered optimal with range being (37.5-188).
Thank you
What level of active B12 is considered optimal with range being (37.5-188).
Thank you
75 to end of range.
Hi Eton,
It is much more complex than an ‘arbitrary’ number. Symptoms and examinations. Looking at other blood cells.
I can see from your bio that you have a lot going. Like me - coeliac, vitiligo, sub-optimal hypothyroidism, Raynaurd’s phenomenon and sports injuries. Plus more.
The best advice available really ought to come from whoever is doing the test for you. They should be able to explain the significance of the results, including the precision of the test, and what factors can affect the results. The reference range for tests is usually a 95% confidence interval which means that some 5% samples will land outside that range whilst still being normal. If the testing laboratory can't, or won't help you then seek advice elsewhere!
Good luck.
have been trying to work this out myself! My result was 40.4, I’m currently trying to see if my GP will do further tests/trial treatment for me.
40.4 is a low reading, if you eat a diet including meat. However the GP may not be able to access the next level tests - ie MMA etc. which also can be unreliable. Your own medical history and symptoms are the most reliable indicators.....but GP's are obsessed with blood tests
I don't know about active B12 levels but my GP says that if someone needs B12 shots he likes to see levels above 1,000 when a blood test is done. I think he wants it to be that high because so little of it is actually used by the body.