I have been working with someone for three years who is suffering and may be suffering from B12 deficiency.
I do not give advice and certainly not medical advice. I have been sharing my experiences and information that I have. That is hard as the person is smart enough but does not have great reading and comprehension skills. They are very verbal. This forum is not an option for them.
They have successful had all the testing done for B12 in the USA!!! Took three years and tenacity on their part.
Theyare being referred to a physician who knows about B12. I will not tell him again that is not likely.
It would be ironic and suit my fancy if they were referred to the same hematologist that I saw. I sent this hematologist a copy of Dr. Chandy's book. They claim to have read it and has been avoiding me since. At least they know they are in over their head in dealing with me.
I penned an email that was sent to this persons physician. I think it was cleverly written. Pretty much put the physician on notice they would be on the hook and get successfully sued if their patient developed subacute spinal cord degeneration without stating that.
They have had an MRI and I penned the email after that. Possible it was seen they could have early spinal cord degeneration.
It very well could be that this physician listened and is using their training to try and help. No way I can know either way.
I find it highly unlikely that without the work done on this forum that this person would ever have got these tests done even after 3 years of work on their part. Hence take a bow.