anxiety/holding down jobs: Hi brothers... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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anxiety/holding down jobs

dolphin66stag profile image
16 Replies

Hi brothers and sisters.,

i got diagnosed as having pernicious 2 and half years ago - ive always had anxiety - more so in the workplace, ive only worked 4 months in the last 3 years due to anxiety- but feel maybe the anxiety worse after the pernicious diagnosis? definetelt feels like that for me. Maybe i need to work in different job now as ive always worked in care sector and that could be stressful. At same time in asking myself if i can work again because of anxiety in work place ect and also neurological balance issues at times which i believe is irreversible -im on waiting list to see neurologist to discuss it. Whilst im glad im diagnosed with pernicious and have more energy and have 8 week injections and also take sublingual aswel and feel blessed i have more energy, but, i dont feel the same person now holding down jobs /anxiety ect. Do any of you guys struggle more now with your job/holding down jobs ect due to all the issues you have from the pernicious.



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dolphin66stag profile image
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16 Replies
Sleepybunny profile image


Apologies for quick reply but about to go out.

I hope you find something that helps with the anxiety.

I wondered if you're getting enough B12. Some UK forum members try to get B12 injections more often than every 8 weeks.

1) Some try to get them more often from GP.

GPs may say that their guidelines don't allow it but GPs are allowed to prescribe off licence if they feel it would benefit the patient, however I think many don't want the hassle of explaining to their management and ICB/Health Board why they are prescribing off-licence.

2) Some get extra B12 injections from a private GP or a beauty salon (expensive).

3) Some try high dose oral B12 (1000mcg or higher) but this doesn't work for some people.

4) Some as a last resort turn to self injection (SI). There is a pinned post about this and other forum threads.

B12 deficiency can have a massive effect on mental health.

Have you got recent results for folate, iron and Vitamin D as forum members often report deficiencies in these as well as B12 and I've read that these deficiencies can also affect mental health.

Thyroid problems are also quite common among forum members here and I've read that thyroid issues can have an impact on mental health. If you haven't already may be worth posting any thyroid results on Thyroid UK forum on HU.

I'm not medically trained.

dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Sleepybunny


Thanks for your reply- strangely enough, im sure it was you that advised me to pursue 8 weekly insread of the 12 weekly i was on. Now that im 8 weekly and taking 1000mg sublingual daily that incorporates methylcobalamin , adenosylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin - sure i must be getting enough b12? Ive never folic levels ect tested - asssuming when i got diagnosed with blood test these levels wouldve showed up? As ive said earlier, ive always had anxiety issues - just trying to decide if they worse now due to the diagnosis or maybe combination of the two? Brain scans came back normal, but states slight deteriation-also states this normal as im in mid 50s.

Thanks so much for all the info you supply to me and others on this forum- its greatly appreciated.



Dragonfly1962 profile image

Not been diagnosed with PA but have B12 D. I was a PA to MD and also started in IT. Now I have an entry level office position as my brain fog was so bad, I believe I had b12 for at least 10 years before diagnosis. One job I had 5 years ago before diagnosis pulled me into HR and asked me to stop sighing, I was mortified as I didn’t know I was doing it,but now know it’s part of B12D. I feel more with it now after injections but as I’m 61 Don’t think I will ever hold a higher end job again.

dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Dragonfly1962

Its definetely not a great place to be in when you feel your not the person you used to be and the effects it has in your work life - like yourself i dont know what the outcome for myself will be in my future jobs. Just know ive got to accept the position im in and to be more accepting - knowing that i can still have a good life despite the person/job title i used to have, I wish you well my friend.



Doppydoo profile image


I have struggled many years with my symptoms, not knowing at first what was causing them. I have worked for the same company for 9 years, working in various departments. I have had quite a lot of time off during this time, mainly due to the chronic fatigue and brain fog. I am currently off work due to chronic fatigue. My employers are understanding to a point, but it is hard to describe how you feel without them thinking you are lazy. I am now looking for a job where I can work from home, in my current role, I am unable to do this.

dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Doppydoo


So hoping you feel better soon and that you get a job where you dont need to be around others when ypu have brain fog ect - hoping working from homw works better for you.



Wwwdot profile image

Hi Dolphin

I am sorry to hear about how you are feeling and for what it’s worth you are not alone. I rarely suffered anxiety before my PA diagnosis and anxiety is one of the symptoms I find hardest to manage.

What I would say is that my anxiety would be worse with less frequent injections. I was EOD for six months and did not like the good day bad day cycle so I now SI every day and can just about manage it now.

Have you tried more frequent injections ?


dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Wwwdot


Thanks for your message. So glad im not alone. Whats EOD? I srarted off every 12 weeks and now every 8 weeks now and i take subligual 1000mg every day also - so should have emough b12?/ Glad your more frequent injections make the anxiety bit more bearable. ive never tried more frequent injections. Ive had anxiety most of my life and got diagnosed 2 and half years ago with p. a , so dont know if my life events in my mid 50s made anxiety worse or maybe p.a has added to it?



Wwwdot profile image
Wwwdot in reply to dolphin66stag

Hi Dolphin

So sorry but EOD is short hand for every other day. The great thing is you can’t overdose on B12 so only improve or pee money - I pee B12 instead of a bought coffee! Feel better too!

But it’s what works for you that matters. Just don’t be afraid to experiment if you feel you might need more to improve.


dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Wwwdot


Ah, got you with EOD. So glad you have quality b12 pees 😀 I like a quality coffee that i like to keep in a bit longer😀

Yeah, nothing wrong with experimenting - quality of life that matters i guess.



Hockey_player profile image

There seems to be quite a few of us who need more frequent injections. I can feel my toes tingling if I wait more than 2 weeks. I have friends in the care sector. It can be stressful. Have you tried counselling? Or a sideways shift? I had a foot health appointment last week from a nurse who found it too stressful to keep working with people who were overdosing and dying. Now she takes excellent care of toes nails for seniors and is much happier.

dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Hockey_player


Suppose more frequent injections may be needed for quite few of us- i got more tingling when i was first diagnosed, but i do have some balance issues, i believe these are irreversible nerve damage due to p.a. Do you self inject more often to counter the tingles?. I have thought about doing something that may involve working with people - strangely enough thought about counselling ect as ive been in counselling myself a few times- think if did it would be voluntary counselling as dont see myself being full time professional counsellor doing a 4 year degree course ect. Yes, cutting toenais seems good to me- and your right. podiatrists lady who cut mines loves what she does.



Hockey_player profile image
Hockey_player in reply to dolphin66stag

I would not write off balance issues as irreversible. There are exercises you can do to promote better balance. My trainer has one where I stand on one foot and we are both holding the same exercise band. He pulls on it in various directions and I am supposed to maintain my balance. I had severe ear issues many years ago and my physio also gave me exercises. One was standing on one foot- to add more challenge, try it with your eyes closed. Maybe look for a trainer or physio person who can suggest some exercises you can do? Or some classes for seniors have a focus on balance and fall prevention. Some yoga poses are helpful for balance. I am lucky to live in BC (Canada) where I can buy injectable B12 over the counter. My husband gives me the injections. I like having control of when I can take them. I adjust the frequency depending on how I am feeling.

dolphin66stag profile image
dolphin66stag in reply to Hockey_player


That sounds fab exercise you do with your trainer for balance - your right, exercises can give you more strengh do counter the balance issues - ive never fell or anything ect - but can feel body moving to side ect depending on how ive moved ect - had every since diagnosed, my right leg goes numb at certain times aswel. Yeah, i done few sessions while back with trainer and there was some balance related exercises i done. i go to stretch classes also. Thats great you have access to injections in canada - great your husband helps you with the injections.



B12life profile image

yes! I had horrible anxiety. Comes with it. Exacerbated by the fact that b12 deficiency causes brain fog.

I agree with others. Do more frequent injections. It can only help.

Take a b multivitamin.

Also high dosing b1 (benfomax version(m) 250 mg / day with 409 mg magnesium glucinate because you need magnesium to process that b1. Make sure to get the right b1 Version not just any. TTFD is better than benfomax.

This guy has great videos on you tube about it.

so those b vitamines plus frequent injections should help.

I also take 50 milligrams of b6 P5P , per day. Again, really really important to get the P5P version otherwise you can eventually end up with a toxicity.

Low b6 can cause anxiety. There really isn't any reliable tests for any b Vitamine other than b12, so it's best to just try these and give it time.

Also get your folic acid level tested. You need that to process b12. If that level is normal, I haven't needed to supplement.

If you don't feel the energy to do all this at a min do the daily injections.

Do one thing at a time if this is overwhelming. Better to take it slow than give up.

dolphin66stag profile image


Thanks for all the info regards these nutrients - definely be looking into this if it helps with things. Much appreciated.



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