I'm hoping for some advice on whether to pursue b12 def with my GP....
Some history for me (currently not diagnosed with a B12 deficiency)
2021 - GP - exhausted, burning pain in lower leg, pins and needles in feet, restless legs at night. All blood tests done (inc b12), told all normal, referred to neurology and an mri for pain in legs.
2021 - MRI suggested mild disc degeneration, no further action needed.
2022 - GP - still exhausted, brain fog, generally felt unwell, aches, heavy head. Tested bloods again , told all fine.
Feb/March 2023 - a private wellness check as still felt awful with more symptoms, results suggested sub-clinical thyroid. Took to gp, bloods redone (inc b12), told definitely not B12 but agreed sub clinical thyroid and put on low dose of levothyroxine. Some symptoms eased, others returned.
June 2023 - GP - felt horrendous again, blood test suggested too much levo so taken off it , GP suggested trialing HRT ( I don't feel it's menopausal for a number of reasons but agreed to take the prescription but haven't started it yet).
Instead I did a medichecks test to get a baseline on everything and active B12 was lower end of scale. I was going on holiday and desperate to feel even a little better and asked a pharmacist for a b12 supplement, she gave me better boost spray (methylcobalamin) & told me to double the dosage.......7 weeks on and I feel some of the symptoms lifting...not as exhausted, brain fog is clearing a little, heavy head disappearing, can do light exercise again.
My question is:
The leg pain/pins & needles have and still are present throughout and now I'm considering that the b12 might be a factor and if sorted properly with the GP it would ease? and possibly my other symptoms would improve even more?
I'm worried that now I've taken a supplement she won't consider it again.
My results:
March - NHS - serum B12 - 344 (220-700)
June - Medichecks - active B12 - 49.7 (37.5-150)
Any advice welcome, many thanks x