This is a heads up post following a conversation I had with a junior doctor yesterday regarding associate doctors being used in non urgent specialties. Apparently it’s a little talked about issue that has bearing on the strikes and it seems that hospitals as well as GPs are using associate doctors in place of fully qualified medical professionals. Apparently these apprentice doctors (crossed trained science graduates) are on the same pay grade as many junior doctors who have been trained to higher level’s and it’s causing upset, especially as they apparently don’t have the legal responsibility that doctors carry.
More importantly for patients is that we should be aware when the specialist is not fully trained and they should introduce themselves as associates or minimally wear name badges indicating it. I was told that frequently associates won’t inform. However by law they are required to tell you if you ask.
Now you may have seen recent news article about the sad outcomes when patients are unaware that the person they speak to regarding health issues is a crossed trained science graduate who hasn’t been through full medical education. This is important for PA because of the risk of permanent nerve damage (brain, spine etc), disability and other ‘poor’ outcomes when the condition is badly managed. Personally I believe it constitutes a failure in NHS patient rights to be treated by knowledgeable professionals. As a patient community we are quite aware I think of the lack of education in the fully trained professional group so this is compounded in situations when seen by associates. In fact if more PA sufferers complained of the lack of knowledge perhaps the NHS will become aware of the true demand for educated professionals in this field similar to diabetes. (I personally see PA as the diabetes of neurology).
Since associates are for routine appointments (think vaccinations and regular health checks) not for complicated diseases it’s important to know about this change and be a firm advocate for your health care , safety and health concerns.