A finding that NICE guidelines regarding B12 need to be revised:
B12 deficiency and NICE guidelines - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 deficiency and NICE guidelines

I think many of us know that revision on guidlines is very much needed. What is needed now is a date as to when it is actually going to be enforced.
Lets hope it is soon. 🙏
Very interesting. My sight greatly affected and greatly improved on b12 injections.
I think its the end of the year for revised NICE guidelines
I sent this artical as part of my complaint when the neurologist told me B12 deficiency doesn't affect the eyes !
My complaint is now in the hands of the Ombudsman so perhaps it's time to chase them up for an update on theor progress.
Yes - unless anything has changed, it is due to be published in November this year.
Interesting to see research from this perspective, however small the sample size. Opticians and dentists can often spot signs of conditions that have been missed by GPs. They are more likely to have seen you regularly and have kept detailed and highly specific records over years.
I still thank the ENT consultant who encouraged me to persist with EOD B12 injections. Some experienced specialists are able to read what they are seeing without the need for repetitive or invasive testing.
When I was B12D my eyesight was terrible. I couldn't see anything clearly if it was more than 10 ft away. After 3 days of taking B12 my eyesight corrected itself. It is so nice to have normal eyesight again.
Very, very useful. Especially from Nature journal. It is clear and uncompromising.
Thanks for sharing . Some switched on opthalmists.