Ihave got some Hydroxcobalmin that expires April 2023 how long is it safe to please.
I am getting very short on ampoules now and am beginning to stress.
Thank you.
Ihave got some Hydroxcobalmin that expires April 2023 how long is it safe to please.
I am getting very short on ampoules now and am beginning to stress.
Thank you.
After awhile, the potency goes so. There is still two months left. In any case, if you need to get extra, my order from Apohealth.de arrived swiftly (within a week) without a hassle. It's 1ml 1500 µg 10x ampoules.
Also if you want to supplement with oral, naturesfix.co.uk has liquid Methylcobalamin and many others in stock.
Thank you Erainy.
What does the 1500ug mean because the Hydroxocobalin which I am using says 1000ug
Thank you
It means that the Pascoe b12 depot ampoules have 50 % more B12 than the Panpharma we used to use , which have now become unavailable . But most of us like injecting 1ml of liquid.
Hevert B12 depot are the same strength as the Panpharma — 1mg but in 2ml of saline . They work well also .
What expiry dates are the Pascoe arriving with now please? Thanks.
I just read a post that said the apohealth order, which had just arrived , had an expiry date of March 2024 .
We found one left-over packet from the first lot of B12 we ever bought, while we were on the second lot. A bit of misfiling.
It was three months past its expiry date; we tried it, but it seemed to have lost almost all its potency. This surprised me, as I expected the fall-off to be much more gradual.
Maybe it starts losing potency from day 1, though, and the expiry date reflects when the potency is no longer sufficient?
But it hadn’t morphed into anything unsafe, and I wouldn’t expect it to do that; just to become ineffective, the longer it is kept.
The second lot was due to pass its expiry date just recently, and we have now stocked up on Pascoe. Great stuff; 50% more active ingredient, the same amount of liquid to inject, and whatever they use as a carrier doesn’t sting like the Rotex did.
I asked a pharmacist about using expired multi use b12 vials and she told me that though one can get away with taking pill or liquid form past the expiration date, that they just couldn’t recommend the same for an injectable. I tossed mine and it made me sick to my stomach—felt like throwing gold in the trash.
The reality here is that no one on this site can say with any certainty: the truth of the matter is we do not know. You need to look at the history behind expiry dates to understand this. I’m using B12 injections 9 months out of date and they are perfectly fine. This article explains in more detail: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
I’m using B12 4 months after the expiry date (and very annoyed that I’m forced to do this). It’s been ok so far although just the last week or 2 I’ve felt more tired. Maybe I am, or maybe they’re slightly less effective. Only 4 vials left so I’ll continue till they’re gone given how difficult it is to get hold of the stuff!