Paying Stanford prices is painful so here's a quick 2 hour overview of their whole course instead
Whirlwind Tour of Nutrition Science - Pernicious Anaemi...
Whirlwind Tour of Nutrition Science

I’m trying to copy that to my notes so I don’t lose track of it before I’ve time to listen to the whole thing but I can’t seem to work out how to do that. Any hints please? 🙏
actually I’ve just manage to get in into my WhatsApp-sorry to have bothered you - thanks, Susan 😊👍
Thank you! 👍
Excellent! Thank you.
For anyone looking for a good accompanying textbook I recommend "Understanding Nutrition 16th Ed." from Whitney & Rolfes. Unfortunately like all college level textbooks its quite expensive but I did find the content excellent.
Stumbled on a playlist with slides based on the entire book contents!
This book is even more in depth (898 pages), and has a lot more biochemistry info, but very expensive:
"Nutrient Metabolism : Structures, Functions, and Genes" by Martin Kohlmeier
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. Only today have managed to listen to the recording.
Entertaining delivery, held my attention for the whole 2 hours! His lectures must be interesting.
Like his honesty about the limitations of dietary studies and how difficult it is to conduct meaningful research.
Thank you so much Technoid!