intrinsic factor test after starting ... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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intrinsic factor test after starting IM injections help please

Steph0077 profile image
6 Replies

hi everyone not been on for awhile, hope your all ok, I just wanted to ask if you have autoimmune PA (intrinsic factor positive) would or could this test be now negative after starting B12 injections? Mine was never taken they (GPs) now want to test this but not b12 levels, can anyone tell me if the IM injections change the readings for IF test many thanks in advance

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6 Replies
Nackapan profile image

I think the only way it might affect it is to give a false positive.Depends on test they use.

The latest Elisa one if I remember rightly from an ex member only needs z short time off injections.

Sometimes dont know % if high levels of b12 in the bloodstream it csn give a false positives.

So depending on how often you need injections I think a 2 week gap is asked for.

Gps really annoy me with this.

Theh really shoujd know the best time to trst is before treatment .

I has told to have a blood test before first b12 injection.

Only to ind out later it was parietal cell antibody test.

So right time your wrong test!-

Mine wax negative.

Recently our gp practice was going to use a negative IFA to stop b12 injections and to bug your own b1e tablets!!

Beware of this .

As only picks uo 50% over those with PA .

I've never had one.

Fortunately 2 neurologists have sanctioned b12 injections .

So not tested .

Theh still try to cancel them though???

Orchard33 profile image

My GP tested for IF four months after I began loading and then 3 monthly B12 injections. It showed the presence of antibodies so confirming PA. My understanding is that B12 treatment will not affect IF.I have managed to negotiate 8 weekly jabs and that is the maximum my GP practice will give. I know I need at least monthly so I have a jab given privately by a practitioner from the VitB12 Academy who train and dispense to practitioners who have qualified in IM jabs. I'm also about to receive a consignment of B12 ampoules from Germany and will then be able to SC inject myself when I need more treatment than monthly, especially if very stressed.

What a learning curve!!

Scott-rock profile image

my pro test before regular treatment was intrinsic factor none detected, second test 6 months after eod b12 different lab was negative. Which it would be if you didn’t have any intrinsic factor to make antibodies.

WiscGuy profile image

I tested positive for the intrinsic factor antibodies, but there was a note from the lab saying that recent injections might have affected results.

EllaNore profile image

My doctors are not accepting my positive intrinsic factor test because they had already started me on injections. Why they did this in the first place, I have no idea, because they're the ones who are supposed to know what they're doing. I only found out later that you can't have B12 in your system when you do these tests. They should know that already, yet, they still tested me and I came back with a positive IFAB test. Now they don't want to accept it. I can't help but think if it was negative they would have ran with that. You need to stay off B12 for at least two weeks before you take your IFAB test. I think it would be better if you could stay off B12 for a month. I've been off my B12 for 11 days as of today waiting for a doctor's appointment tomorrow with a anemia clinic. But they called and canceled on Friday saying that they don't help people with B12. I don't know why they set the appointment up in the first place. I would have had to drive 2 hours in the snow storm to get there and 2 hours back. So I'm glad I'm not going. It would have just been more frustration for me with no answers. But I'm staying off of my B12 anyway just in case I can talk them into running blood tests for me locally, since I haven't taken any B12. If they don't want to accept my positive test then they need to test me again when I don't have B12 and my system. But how long do I have to go without it? They say two weeks, but I don't think that's enough. So I'm going to go as long as I can go and hope that they give me a test. And if this one comes back positive they can never again tell me that I don't have PA. They're the ones who messed up all my tests. they're the ones who messed up everything and now nobody wants to treat me for PA. I haven't been on here in weeks because I've just been too distraught over what my doctors have been doing to me. So do yourself a favor. Stop taking your B12 for 2 weeks if not a month and then get your tests. You have to stop taking B12 until your symptoms return. That way nobody could come back on you and say that they're not true. Good luck. Doctors should have never started you on B12 injections before they did all these tests on you. They're the ones who mess up and we're the ones who pay for it. Don't let them do that to you. Don't let them run you around from doctor after doctor after doctor and have every one of them tell you that they don't think that you're positive IFAB is accurate. Now I can't get anybody to listen to me. And they're the ones who screwed it up in the first place. they're the doctors. We're supposed to be able to trust them and know that they know what they're doing, but they do not!!! None of them do. I think it would be perfectly fair for you to point out that your doctors are trying to give you test that should have been done before any B12 ever entered your body. How are you supposed to get an accurate test when they gave you B12 injections? How stupid are they? Sorry, so tired of the stupidity on the doctors behalf. Again good luck!!!!!

MrJustatip profile image

OK, My best in this brief response. I am B12 def with low folic acid. Been on folic acid tablets for about 6 mos. now. The first three were useless because I drank coffee at least once per day (or more) and also did not know my B12 was low at the time because GP never tested for B12. Now taking B12 IM injections once per week. Went to re-test my labs to see if B12 has improved, but the lab test results showed they did not test for Vit. B at all. So frustrating. Anyway, going to retest this coming Monday. You absolutely need to realize two things. 1. Doctors, at least General practitioners, know as much about vitamins as patients do and 2. you must research and read about your own issues as you can. About coffee. The caffeine in coffee interferes with the absorption of B12. Now, I've read many articles about this including some that say that coffee does not interfere with B12 absorption, but hey, if I am deficient in B12 and I drink lots of coffee, I'm willing to err on the side of caution. Also I was DX with H pylori (Helicopter Pylori), so I've recently learned that is also something that is a player in the PA & B12 def. game. Now, I'm taking B12 liquid sublingual about 4 times a day and have ordered about half a dozen bottles. Good luck.

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