P.A. symptoms worse after Covid? - Pernicious Anaemi...

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P.A. symptoms worse after Covid?

topazrat profile image
22 Replies

I self inject weekly and my symptoms have been pretty stable for years now. Last month, I was unfortunate enough to catch Covid, which hit me pretty hard. Four weeks on and I am now feeling like I was at diagnosis - tingling skin, fatigue etc. I'll give myself a few extra jabs, hopefully to improve symptoms, but I'm just curious to hear if anyone has had a similar situation.

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topazrat profile image
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22 Replies
Cherylclaire profile image
CherylclaireForum Support

I got covid on 1st Jan 2021, and rang the GP two weeks later as I was struggling and not feeling any better. She said that for some people it takes longer, but that I would be okay : if I was not able to fight it, I would already have been in hospital. I just needed to hear that.

I was starting to feel like I was winning at about three weeks, and started injecting every day for a few days, then every other day for two weeks - and then returned to every three days. It did affect my symptoms for a while. When I was first ill, I could not inject at all - a situation I had not anticipated.

Sorry to hear your news. You are doing the right thing -and hope to hear that you're feeling better soon. Take it easy.

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to Cherylclaire

Thank you for the reply. I'm glad that you are feeling better now. This virus certainly is nasty.

bookish profile image
bookish in reply to Cherylclaire

Thank you for that. I am only 8 days in and still testing positive, feeling less than good, but as deemed high risk glad that I don't feel worse. This timely post has given me plenty of encouragement and I'll keep loading up the B12!! best wishes

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to bookish

Get well soon. :)

bookish profile image
bookish in reply to topazrat

Thank you! You too x

deniseinmilden profile image

Lots of people say that the symptoms of B12d and post covid are very similar - to the point that several have wondered if B12 jabs could be used in normally non-deficient people to help them recover better and quicker.

It makes sense because the virus damages cells throughout the body, especially neurons, and so extra B12 is needed for cell replication to repair the damage. It also helps to eliminate toxins/waste - the damaged cells - from the body. It would have been used to make white blood cells to combat the infection too so would have been depleted that way as well.

I would imagine the virus depletes all your nutrients, as any infection does, and I guess puts you off your food for a few days at least too - especially if you lose your sense of taste and smell.

This is a particularly underhand "war" tactic on the part of the virus because if you don't eat you automatically reduce the levels of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to make white blood cells, etc, to fight infection! It's clever evolution on its part though, isn't it?! Grrr!

I'm sorry you've had it and wish you a speedy recovery.

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to deniseinmilden

It is frustrating that just as you feel that you've beaten the lurgy, it comes back to bite you. The rest of the family are absolutely fine now, and I'm still dragging myself around. I had neuro symptoms at diagnosis, and they're back with avengence. Ah well, onwards and upwards :)

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to topazrat

It is so frustrating, isn't it! You do have my sympathy - and no doubt that of lots of people here.

The only heartening thing is that knowing you have beaten it once you can beat it again, and this time you are aware of the best things to do, etc, so it shouldn't take as long.

I like Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" and take a lot of solace from the words. The middle part of the poem is poignant in times like this!

"Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’"

As you say "onwards and upwards" 😃

Baggy8 profile image
Baggy8 in reply to deniseinmilden

I adore that poem, gets me every time I read it. Tha ks for the timely reminder..

phoenix80 profile image

For me so many of the Covid symptoms were like B12 deficiency.... I'm 4 weeks on and still fatigued, more brain fog etc, definitely starting to improve though

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to phoenix80

Yes that's about where I am now at four weeks, with a brain like mashed potato and lots of neuro symptoms. I seemed OK for a week or so afterwards, but I guess I tried to do too much too soon - like you do.

phoenix80 profile image

Same here..... hard though isn't it. Some days definitely feel better than others, seems to be coming in waves still. Most weird illness isn't it! Were you quite unwell with it initially? It hit me pretty hard, wonder if that's why it's taking longer to go away

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to phoenix80

Yes it hit me quite hard, plus I was looking after the rest of the family because they were ill too. So they were limp lettuces on the sofa, while I carried on as normally as I could under the circumstances. Plus I was looking after my 2 year old Granddaughter once I tested negative (which took 16 days!). So I never really got a chance to rest.

phoenix80 profile image
phoenix80 in reply to topazrat

Ooh bet that was difficult, I was lucky in that I was the only one who had it so I just hid in a bedroom, I tested negative on day 9, seemed to take a long time! Hope you're getting chance to rest a bit more now

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to phoenix80

I have a rest day today, then tomorrow I have my Granddaughter again. Husband and daughter both tested negative about day 9.

AlwaysTiredxxx profile image

I don't seem to have a bad B12 deficiency or PA. My B12 never got that low and responded to oral multivitamin.

I've had covid twice.

First time early in pandemic. It lasted 2 months at least. Second time very recently. Far milder, like a bad Head cold. Lasted about 9 days.

Fighting any significant infection will drain your bodies resources as it throws everything into your immune system. When the infection has gone it can take a while to recover. If you're unlucky enough to get long covid it can take a very long time.

Stepping up injections is worth try. But maybe your body may just need some time to recover with good nutrition and rest.

In my experience and that of fridnds, fatigue can be a common symptom.

Wishing you well.

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to AlwaysTiredxxx

Its the first time that we have had Covid. Daughter and I are both clinically extremely vulnerable, so we were OK until the restrictions were dropped, then hubby picked it up from one of his students. He'd been super careful all the way through, but as soon as students no longer had to social distance or wear masks, he caught it.

Polaris profile image

I’m sorry you’ve been so badly affected topazrat and am wondering if you’ve had vitamin D levels checked lately, especially at the end of winter season ?

I had all the symptoms of Omicron a couple of months ago but so mildly I almost didn’t realise until sense of smell returned very strongly. A friend also happened to be experiencing the exact mild symptoms at the same time.

I’m convinced that having regularly taken 4,000 iu Vitamin D +K2 (plus e.o.d B12 injections) since having a really nasty virus 4/5 years ago made all the difference……..

Dr Carmen Wheatley, Oxford researcher, gave out information some time ago on how very high doses of Vitamin D and ‘pan’ vitamin B12 were being used in many countries to treat Covid19, also mentioning that the West appeared to be unaware of how much research is available on this around the rest of world.

I put up a link to Dr Wheatley a while ago but my forum history seems to have disappeared! 🤔

Best wishes for answers and a good recovery soon.

topazrat profile image
topazrat in reply to Polaris

I had my Vit D checked a few months ago and it was 86 nmol/L, which is pretty good. I take 1000 iu a day all year round.

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to topazrat

Yes, that does sound good, although the latest research by Gareth Davies Phd and Linda Bensteen recommends 10,000 iu during winter months - so much controversy going on around this at the moment and we’re all different……..

Members of our,family had gene tests, which showed an inability to fully absorb Vit B12, D, etc. passed down the maternal line.

cloudspotting profile image
cloudspotting in reply to Polaris

Yes, an interesting article, heres a link to the thread.... healthunlocked.com/redirect...

.....and the pdf you referenced vitamind4all.org/letter.pdf

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to cloudspotting

Thank you very much for these links, Cloudspotting, especially as I’m worried about very close friends who’ve been on Metformin for a while - one now has breathing problems and the other diagnosed with anaemia - no B12. tests carried out……..☹️

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