Hoping someone can help here - I'm 3 months into SI every 2nd day trying to string it out to every 3rd. The last 5 or so injections have really hurt and I'm finding when I withdraw the needle B12 is leaking out of the injection site. Any solutions on this one? Also my feet have been numb for a couple of days now... might not be connected but pre diagnosis I had lost all feeling in my face and hands.
3 Months into SI : Hoping someone can... - Pernicious Anaemi...
3 Months into SI

You may be injecting it too fast.try slowing it down as your injecting you’ve plenty time there’s no rush to get it in.make sure your nice and relaxed if that means you have to set all your stuff up ready in advance do that then just go back to it in a calmer way when your ready,I know easier said than done some days but it’s worth a try.best of luck.

Thanks Daisydot - I tend to do most things in life to fast 😌 I'll slow it right down and see how we go. I currently inject over 10 seconds and then leave the needle in for another 5... still comes out
Not injecting deep enough will cause the B12 to leak out.
Thanks fbirder, I use a 1" needle and inject into my thigh. I haven't changed anything about how I inject and it's only just started happening... strange!
I alternate injecting my upper arms I just seem to find that easier, for some reason nothing will persuade me to do the thighs or tummy but lots of members here do.Maybe try a different location and see how it goes?
Are you taking a broad spectrum multivitamin and mineral supplement?
Your feet neuropathy could be due to other vitamins and minerals becoming a limiting factor (I'm particularly thinking maybe potassium).
It would be good to get blood tests done for potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamin D at least - more if you can get them to do them - and see if there's a problem with your levels.
If not then you will need to find a neurologist.
I don't know about your jabs beyond what has already been suggested - relax the muscle, do it slowly, try different sites. Only thing I'm wondering is if you are getting short of potassium or magnesium your leg muscle might be on the verge of cramp and therefore not relaxing enough to readily absorb the fluid.
After nearly 6 years of daily SI I have only just started to not need every jab - but only miss one or space them out a bit more, occasionally!
I hope you find a solution soon.
Wow that’s a long time. I am doing every other day which has been 3 1/2 months now. Sometimes I get two good days and sometimes only 1.
Thanks deniseinmilden
I'm taking a Vitamin D3 tablet; had full blood work 8 months ago, haven't haven't retaken since diagnosis and treatment. Will get redone. I will invest in a multivitamin too, can't hurt to try!
I should have mentioned I tried to space the injections out to every 3rd then every 4th day. Didn't go to well - reverting back to every 2nd which will hopefully help with the feet numbness!
Hope all goes well for you
I agree with Daisydot1 about the speed of injection. I don't know if this is the best way but I take over half a minute to inject to allow some of the fluid to dissipate during the injection. I want to avoid having a 1ml pocket of fluid in the muscle. I also do sometime get a vasovagal response (feeling faint) and I find it happens less when I inject slowly.
Another thing to try though is the z-track injection technique where you pull the skin to the side while you are injecting so that when you pull the needle out and release the tension, the needle hole is no longer aligned. Just look up z-track injection and you’ll get loads of information.
The final bit of advice from the nurse that taught me is to pull the needle out quickly (and that is the only part that I do quickly) so that the fluid doesn’t follow the needle back out.
Hope this is of use and good luck!
Thank you Gaudygoat
Very helpful suggestions, I'll try and slow it right down. I use an auto injector but haven't done Z track to date. Will google it!
I think if the gps would just allow the nurses to teach us properly we would all have so much less fear about doing it wouldn’t we.I’ve did hundreds now but still have that hesitation and still have my off days where I totally mess it up.I’m trying Mondays and Thursdays at the moment I don't feel so agitated as I usually am when doing every other day shots.take care x

I agree Daisydot1, I couldn't do it without the help of an autoinjector. I had a terrible phobia of needles as a kid and if it wasn't for the fact I got into a really bad state health wise with all the symptoms and then felt like a whole new person for 2-3 days after the Dr did inject me, I would never consider SI. It doesn't bother me at all now. Hope it gets easier for you!
Look up Z track for IM injections. It creates a sort of pocket that prevents leaking.