Homeopathy meet after 2 years - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Homeopathy meet after 2 years

Thulasi1 profile image
13 Replies

Hi All,

When I was diagnosed with PA in 2018 I was suffering a lot and met homeopathy. They claimed to cure PA in 3 years and made me to pay lot of amount upfront. I just believed them as I was going through a lot and nothing seems to give me relief as I was in early days of b12 injection treatment. They started me giving some white pills and told me not to take injections and just take those pills three times a day. I did post about this in this forum and everyone here had suggest it as homeopathy is fake and bogus. So o stopped and continued injections.

One month back I visited them again and had arguments about how they claim they can cure PA which is not possible. They started saying they cured lot of patients. So I asked them to get atleast one patient whom they cured as a proof. Today I went again and obviously they don’t have anyone. Now they are arguing me to take treatment and they don’t want to return a penny Of my payment. They started saying many homeopaths got noble prizes for treating that were not possible in allopathy. I was like this guys are on another level. I googled and found none. I am ok of not getting my payment back but I don’t want anyone getting into this situation. I recorded all the conversation with their permission and want to make people aware of this fake claims. I would have been either crippled or dead by now had I believed in them. Since all this is India I cannot fight alone as there are no pas societies here to back me up .

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Thulasi1 profile image
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13 Replies
Thulasi1 profile image

Also I asked them to explain what is pernicious anemia and they started taking about iron etc.. they gave me iron pills I guess for those two months as they don’t say what they are giving. My iron levels are above range when I tested .

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Thulasi1

What were the pills ? Ferr phos?

I would never take pills unless I knew what they were

Like you say tiu were very ill.

Quacks prey on that

Obviously no understanding of OA and were treating yiu for iron anemia

Have to be so careful.

I would be in a worse place if I took all the orthodox medicine offered.

Terrible trouble getting off one.

DIY and trying to make informed choices. Si difficult when condition has mainly been ignored as 3 monthly b12 injections are supposed to cure all.

PA S are doing great work. Thank goodness

Thulasi1 profile image
Thulasi1 in reply to Nackapan

I asked them what are they prescrbing me , they said they will not say the medicine names. They were tasty though :)

wedgewood profile image

Sorry to hear what you have bern through . Those people were not true homeopathists , who would not claim to cure Pernicious Anaemia. Real charlatans. . But thank you for telling us about what happened to you . It’s not easy to own up to having been duped. . . Hope that you are getting good treatment now .

Nackapan profile image

There is a homeopathic society in the UK .Contact them . They ate trying to get rid of dangerous practitioners who are giving homeopathic medicine a bad name.

My sister is a homeopath . I've had some good treatments.

Claims to treat PA ridiculous.

It is called complimentary for a reason.

My mum was having bad side effects from bp medicine . With the help of homeopathic medicine the dose is greatly reduced with the desired effects. No side effects.

There are homeopathic hospitals. I saw one in Bristol.

It certainly has a place .

I believe in India homeopthic medicine is as prevalent as orthodox medicine.

Thank goodness you got your injections

There must be some society or governing body in India to complain too fo mal practice.

Where in India?

Thulasi1 profile image

Hi Nackpan, wedgewood,

Thanks for replying. It’s in Bangalore India.. Its called positive Homeopathy and they are private chain hospitals with multiple branches all over India. I am not sure whom to contact about this And not aware of any society whom I can get help from , especially the health sector is ruled by the corporates, literally they all bribed top level politicians and even police departments. They literally told me do what ever you want , they say Assistant commisioner of police is their client and they don’t care , not afraid of anything.

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Thulasi1

Oh. A big chain??

Sounds bad no governing body.

Sometimes more empowering to walk away.

I have learnt this

You can still do investigations quietly but di not let this feed the frustration and the dealings of getting well.

I'm starting to get angry about lack of orthodox treatment ect

Its natural.

Energy needs be put to good use . Very difficult not to have regrets. At the time tou made the right decision to get tour injections. Try and look forward

Thulasi1 profile image

I used to take alternate days methycobalamin 500 mcg injection. But from 1.5 months my frequency drastically reduced as take 200 mcg methylfolate. I used to wonder whey hydroxocobalamin and cynacobalamin never worked for me. I don’t what is the connection. Many here dismissed connections with MTHFR, as I don’t know what that is I did not do tests on it.

Thulasi1 profile image
Thulasi1 in reply to Thulasi1

Only complain is the bad acne, may be due to methyl and this never subside from 2 years every day new acne. I stopped caring about it as I see improvement

Nackapan profile image

So how are you functioning now ?

So you are on injections still of b12 and will be forever with your diagnosis of PA

I've not heard of the smaller doses you are injecting every other day.

Yes odd no improvement on cyno or hydrox b12

Your timeframe the same as mine

Thulasi1 profile image

I am feeling better than before definitely.. improving as days, months , years goes by. I tried taking 1000 mcg , 1500mcg, 2000mcg methycobalamin and I felt awful. 500 mcg is the right fit for me.

Thulasi1 profile image

Thank you Hidden

Gambit62 profile image

Is there a consumer association or any from of trading standards legislation?

If a company is obviously promising to deliver a service that is impossible it is acting fraudulently and these are the sort of bodies that might have the teeth to act on your behalf.

To be honest I think what you are talking about would be beyond the PAS in the UK and is something that they would be encouraging the 'survivor' to pursue through a consumer group or trading standards here.

Not what you're looking for?

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