Probiotics: Morning all. Hope everyone... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Ritchie1268 profile image
12 Replies

Morning all.

Hope everyone is managing well in these strange times.

I've been reading through some posts & have noticed mention of Probiotics a few times.

As some of you will know I was addicted to high doses of Prescribed Opioids for 8 years which I'm still convinced caused my PA. Amongst other things I believe it caused, I also had to have hormone injections as my testosterone levels according to the endocrinologist were in my boots at the time. The hormone injections brought me out in acne on my chest & back which I still have now even though the hormone replacement was stopped well over a ago.

Also, another thing that's been bugging me is, if PA causes no or very little stomach acid, even though I don't suffer anywhere near as much as I used to prior to PA treatment, why do I still get bouts of acid reflux & my stomach always sounds like I have a drummer from a rock band really going for it in there? The reflux at times will wake me choking & gasping for breath as it feels like it's burning in my lungs up to & in my throat which I struggle to clear. This only happens if I eat late on though & is rare now.

There is someone local who specialises in Probiotics & after talking to a neighbour who was treated successfully for exzma by this person, the neighbour suggested I pay him a visit.

It isn't cheap at £77 for the first consultation & £66 for a follow up, but he also runs blood tests to see if I'm sensitive to certain food types etc & supplies various Probiotics.

So I was wondering if anyone thought it may help with both the acid reflux & also my leopard skin covered body, as apart from a full body skin transplant, I've tried everything else.

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Ritchie1268 profile image
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12 Replies
wedgewood profile image

Low stomach acid is a cause of reflux . When the stomach acid is not high , the oesophageal sphincter doesn’t get the message to shut tightly , so a little of the low acid escapes,and causes reflux . If you got a dose of normal strength stomach acid , it is so strong , it would burn a hole. Dripped onto wood , it makes a hole. Luckily , stomachs can deal with that. But even weak acid is so strong that it causes a burning sensation if it gets into the oesophagus ( “heart burn”) When first diagnosed , I had this problem , and even took Betaine HCL with pepsin to alleviate it . After a course of probiotics and enough B12 injections , I no longer have the problem .

Sorry that I have no ideas of how to deal with a “leopard skin” body .

Best wishes .

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to wedgewood

Thank you for explaining that wedgewood. It has been puzzling me a while now 😁

Nackapan profile image

My daughter has probiotics now. She has terrible digestive issues. She has b12 deficiency /PA which has caused all sorts of problems as undiagnosed.

Lost the fibromyalgia label and has an autonomic disorder POTs and HEDS.

She ears very ' clran ' food . Followed fodmap. It sounds extreme bit her reflux and bloating and got symptoms extreme.

Noe she eats little and often. A daily probiotic (biomel) I think as within her budget. Symprove not in het budget for longterm.

She rarely has reflux now. Her digestion greatly improved.

She recently made flapjacks with almond butter tatyer than coconut oil.

She was ill for days

. The ampunt of almond butter needed took her over the fodmap allowance. So goes to show what a fine balance to be had.

Her skin is so much better. At one point I thought she had psoriasis. All gone.

So a long winded way of saying yes.

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Nackapan

Thank you.

Also when I eat, not always though, I do feel really rough straight after a meal. So got me thinking is it a certain food doing it.

After all "we are what we eat"

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Ritchie1268

Yes quite possibly. Food can sit like lead

Fodmap takes patience but its made a huge difference to my daughter.

Also quite drastic. Shd used tk lovd her food and liked almost everything

Shd is gluten,diary, fructose, redmeat, rice free. A.kngst other things. Her saviour was almond milk and homemade chicken stock. as she was the verge of needing to be tube fed.

She used to love diary and rice. But as a baby the only thing she ever spat out was cheese!! I loved cheese. Her body was telling her something.

Hope you find what works for you.

Ivr actually stopped probiotics. Only half them with antibiotics for a tooth.

Natural live yoghurt I still have though as less strong than the others. I would build up slowly

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Nackapan

That is drastic for your daughter!

Thank you

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Ritchie1268

Yes but improved her daily living. Yhe wrong food she could not digest then caused POTS episodes . I.e fits.

Hypopotamus profile image

Water Kefir (I make it myself) has done wonders for my stomach problems (and general health). Two of my friends tried it too, and also found an amazing improvement. So much so that they take some from me every two weeks. I am now supplying 8 people with it, and they all come back for more.

It is easy to make. You do need a good water filter to take out anything like chlorine, but after that, it costs very little to make. In fact my friends insists on paying me for mine so my own supply costs only pennies.

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to Hypopotamus

Thank you.

We have one of those big American fridges with an ice maker on it that is mains fed that goes through a filter in the fridge, so that is ideal to use.

Thanks again I'll definitely look into it 👍

MoKayD profile image
MoKayD in reply to Ritchie1268

I don't know if this will be of any help, but I recently read a book titled, Why Stomach Acid is Good for You. The book explains that, especially as you get older, you stomach acid drops and the health consequences from this. It also specifically mentions pernicious anemia and B12 deficiency. Since reading this book, I've started taking a digestive enzyme with most meals and a HCL capsule with meat heavy meals. It seems to help with my digestion. I haven't had a bout of acid reflux since I started the regimen.

P.S. Big refrigerators with ice makers are great : )

Ritchie1268 profile image
Ritchie1268 in reply to MoKayD

Thank you I'll check it out.

And aren't they just!

We moved in late February & have been renovating. The builders didn't finish due to the virus so we've been really busy. The fridge freezer with its own ice maker was heaven during May when it was really hot, an absolute god send 😁

in reply to Ritchie1268

I can attest to Betaine HCL. My digestion is poor but it is definitely helped by betaine. It is essentially acid of a type produced by your stomach. It used to be licenced by the FDA in the states but isn’t any longer, not sure why. My gastroenterologist whom I am seeing at the moment says a number of his patients take it.

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