I suppose we're all going through this sad situation at the moment where we are being denied basic health care due to the corona virus (ie no life saving injections for us).
I never really wanted to order injections online as I like to know exactly what I'm getting and that its safe but I feel like now I have no other choice.
I've just ordered via versandapo.de following all of your instructions in past posts. I just wanted to triple check that this website is safe and reputable?
I paid through paypal and they've taken the money, I can't have accidentally signed up to anything dodgy or subscribed to anything weird right? Ie I'm not going to log on in a few months time and see that I've wracked up some sort of debt or payment program? It just worries me a bit that its all in German.
Then the obvious one, the injections are definitely safe?
Thanks for all of your continuous help. I've been on this website for years now getting help for my PA, I can't believe how much the NHS continues to let us down when it comes to B12.
I hope you're all coping with this awful time.