I'm suffering with B12 and folate deficiency and have recently had my first loading shots. My grandmother had pernicious anaemia and had monthly injections. My own mother was recently in hospital with Guillain Barré syndrome, and now has chronic neurological symptoms/damage in her legs. After reading many things here, but still being a newbie, I need some advice for my mother. I had read somewhere that PA can be inherited I think. So I told my mum to go see doc and get her B12 levels tested. Low and behold, they phoned today (she only went there two days ago) and said she needs to start a course of folic acid immediately. They said she would not need any B12 supplement as her level was 269. Whatever that means? They also said they would not treat B12 deficiency if her level was over 211. I'm wondering if her B12 level is still quite low and am worried that by treating only the folate deficiency that her neuro symptoms may get worse again. I don't think she could handle that again. Should I be fighting her case at the docs or get her a few shots from a private nurse before she starts on the folic acid? Many thanks for any advice here!