I was referred to a gastroenterologist by the gp for suspected malabsorption issues due to recent changes in my bowel activity and some bowel issues that I had over a few years that i suspected to be ibs caused by anxiety.
Endoscope revealed hiatus hernia, oesphagitis and gastritis. Im on a two month course of omezaprole which i think has made improvements with no side effects.
Biopsy results have not been returned.
Colonoscopy and 24 hr urines were clear.
Stool sample showed faecal elastase to be abnormal at 124 where it should be higher than 200.
This indicates an issue with my pancreas. I have had a ct scan and I am guessing that I will need to see the gastro when all results are back.
Has anyone had any experience with this? I'm supposing the pancreas issue is the cause of the b12 deficiency.
Should i be requesting tests for other deficiencies? Folate has been fine.
Im taking b12 injections every three days now, self administrating, and these are doing a good job.
At the moment i have had bad fatigue, weakness and body pains for a couple of days last week and this week with general feeling run down in between. I think laboured breathing is causing the fatigue and i have a chesty cough which is causing a wheeze in the right lung. I was sent for an xray but wont get results til next week. Im lumping this together as seasonal illness that i'm on the cusp of succumbing to, exascerbated by over doing it a couple of times.
Ive had the flu jub and pneumonia vaccine.