Posted 6 days ago about my B12 issues & got some great replies! Monday, I got the 1st 1mg injection at the doc's, and a prescription for 6 x 1mg vials with a refill of 6 more covered by insurance. Gave myself an injection yesterday, which was not nearly as awful a process as I was anticipating. Worst pain seemed to be a slight sting from the alcohol going into the jab initially. I'm particularly surprised that the injection site didn't hurt much at all afterwords. Generally, a vaccine shot or similar seems to ache a bit for a few days. Plan to do 3 shots a week for 4 weeks, making a total of 13 shots. Too soon to tell if this is helping my long term issues, (though I am optimistic given my tests & symptoms) let alone if the doc/insurance will stick with this process, so I'm wondering what some good online sources of injectable B12 & the needed syringes might be. Has anyone used this source: ? Seems very cheap (TOO cheap???), if nothing else. Any suggestions appreciated, particularly for someone in the U.S. Thanks!
Online B12 & syringes? I'm in the U.S. - Pernicious Anaemi...
Online B12 & syringes? I'm in the U.S.

I get my local grocery store pharmacy to order a box of 100 insulin syringes (Ref 329622). 1 ml U-100 (0.5mm x 25 mm) (25 gauge x 1 inch) BD precision guide tip, Orange colored paper wrapper for my IM injections.
It’s about 30 dollars.
Thanks for the reply. When I got my 1st 6 syringes, the doc had to call in a prescription for them, even though she had already prescribed & I had picked up the B12 vials. I'm in WA state. The syringes are BD 25 gauge, 1 inch, 3ml Luer Lock type, not the usually skinny 1ml orange capped insulin type. Are insulin syringes generally available in the US w/o prescription? I know they tend to be the type junkies use, who presumably do not have a script for them.
Never used them, the last one I ordered from was bodfeld apotheke in Germany & I know they deliver to the U.S. I ordered 100 as they were only €5.79 for 10 at the time.
The other one most seem to use on here is versandapo, I believe they deliver to U.S also but not sure as I've not used them yet.
To stop the stinging, I always swab the area first, this is so the area dries, if it's still wet it will sting. I put the ampoule under my armpit to get warm so it's not a shock going into the muscle with too big a difference in temperature of the liquid.
I use and I really like this company. Their shipping is fast! However, the needles are a tad too big for subcutaneous injections. Insulin needles are easily available online with a quick Google search.
May I ask what the ingredients are in the vitaminquick b12? How does their product compare to others that you have tried? Thank you for the info!
The stated content is Methylcobalamin, oddly, half what appears to be the usual strength, or .5 mg per ml (most seem to be 1mg or 1,000 mcg per ml). There are some real issues with the quality & actual content of generic drugs in general, the majority of which now come from China & India. Here's a good piece by US consumer advocate Ralph Nader on the issue ralphnaderradiohour.libsyn.... I also found this very cheap offering, appears to be made in Thailand I would be very concerned about the content of these. With all the unpredictability of this B12 thing (many here saying injections have no effect, or that their symptoms actually got worse after beginning injections), it's essential to be sure you're getting what is claimed. A real dilemma.