For over 35 years I’ve been suffering from osteoarthritis. Over the years it had been getting steadily worse. But soon after my diagnosis with PA it improved. I’d assumed it had been caused by my B12 deficiency, even though it’s not a common (or even unusual symptom).
Then, in November, it started coming back. Thumb, wrists, knees - all took their turns at swelling up and screaming in pain. For a couple of weeks I needed crutches to get about. My GP ruled out gout and rheumatoid arthritis, said the x-ray agreed with osteoarthritis and we sorted out a regimen of painkillers.
Throughout November, December and January I would have repeated flare-ups. Things were getting depressing.
But, after one bout at the beginning of February I was free from attacks. The same in March. And April. And, so far, in May. Why?
Then I realised that the three month period of pain coincided with the three months where I’d tried replacing the methylfolate I’d been taking since July 2015 with folic acid. After that trial period I went back to methylfolate.
I have the C677T mutation (homozygous) on the MTHFR gene. Some people with that mutation feel better if they take methylfolate, which is why I’d initially used it. But the switch to folic acid was to see if it made any noticeable difference - and it didn’t, until the arthritis came back.
I found a couple of papers. This one says they found a highly significant correlation between homozygous C677T and osteoarthritis. They also found a correlation with a mutation in the ACE gene - which I also carry. They didn’t look into using methylfolate to rectify the arthritis.
Now this is purely anecdotal. But there is some science to back it up. I would suggest that those with OA might give the methylfolate a trial run - 400 mcg a day should do. It can’t do any harm.