I was wondering whether anyone has had any success with improving absorption with dietary changes or other- herbal, naturopathic etc. I've recently started reading the Michael Mosley 'Clever Guts diet' and am hoping to make some positive changes to my gut!
Improving absorption: I was wondering... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Improving absorption

it depends on what the absorption problem was. If it was PA then diet isn't going to make a difference. If it was related to coeliacs then it's possible that a change in diet might.
I can ditto what Gambit has said. But i have been 18 months coeliac strictly sticking to a gf diet, and it hasnt made any significant difference for me. For a lot of the time i have, in fact, felt worse than before. But it can be a long and slow road where coeliac is concerned not the miracle cure that going gf is portrayed to be by those who choose to go gf rather than those of us who Have to.
A nurse friend and her husband reversed their diabetes 2 after following his 'Eight Week Diet" and I read recently in the national press that diet is now acknowledged as a valid treatment.
Having Hashimoto's and B12 def., I'd recommend Dr K's protocols (leading neurologist and 'Researcher of the Year') as well as his books and articles on leaky gut/brain axis:
The digestive problems I'd had for years (h/pylori, gastritis, acid reflux, IBS, etc) disappeared after going gluten free and taking daily spoonfuls of organic sauerkraut (more probiotics than any other I'd tried). Hopefully, it is helping to restore the microvilli lining my digestive system and thus absorption of all nutrients.
Intitially, other helpful remedies were :
Swedish Bitters for IBS
Vogel's Centaurium for acid reflux
Fushi Probiotics
I've been on liquid diet and recovering from painful attack of diverticulitis for the last week. A friend on the forum told me she was given turmeric in warm water for the inflammation when she fell ill with this in India. Found some in my cupboard full of remedies 🤣 It worked really well and I've been back on solid food for a few days with no pain, thus avoiding antibiotics 🤗
Ps. While on liquid diet, I self injected B12 every day and, although I'm not completely sure, this seems to have accelerated nerve healing and regaining energy........
Thank you! I'll definitely check all of that out. The book looks really exciting. I'm a big believer in turmeric and recently read in the gut diet book about a study that showed increased results when eaten either alongside fat or warmed. I'd heard about the addition of black pepper, but this sounds really interesting. An absolute favourite of mine is slippery elm bark- 1tsp mixed well in a glass of water. It's incredibly soothing but I've read it's important to be well hydrated when you use it and not take medication at the same time as it coats the stomach lining for a couple of hours.
It's great that you're feeling better and didn't have to resort to the antibiotics.
Thank you for reminding me about slippery elm and for the tips helaynie. This could well help keep diverticulitis at bay - so painful that I definitely do not want it again!
Yes, the reason I'd not used turmeric before was that laboratory research on TV showed it only worked properly in food, so emptying capsules and mixing in hot water probably helped.
Just remembered that Marc Ryan's Hashimoto's Facebook post on little brushes (microvilli) in the gut was another good article and 'lightbulb' moment for me.
Polaris, I just wanted to ask... How much turmeric did you take daily? Did you split it into several doses? Or dissolve in water and keep taking it throughout the day? I have long-term gut problems and want to try it myself.
This is what I found in my cupboard to treat the diverticulitis (inflammation of pockets in the colon), which I hadn't had before. I emptied two capsules into hot water and repeated this three times a day but am just taking once a day now everything is back to normal🤗
I hope your gut problems improve too Humanbean.
Green cardamon
Apple cider vinegar
Please be cautious, of course.
Squeezing toes. Hold squeeze and release.
Pressure points on hands?
Think the cardamom really helped with absorption. Chewing on it until it disappears. Good luck!
Thank you! Why the toe squeezing
One of the biggest issues for absorption - is having Hashimotos - auto-immune thyroiditis. So am wondering if you have been tested in order to rule it out . Many of us with Hashimotos have Low VitD - B12 - Folate - Ferritin.
So often people are told their Thyroids are fine - when only the TSH is tested. That is a small part of the story. The tests required are - TSH - FT4 - FT3 and the Thyroid Anti-bodies TPO & Tg. Sadly the NHS rarely complete the Full Profile and so many people remain with unresolved issues.
Thanks Marz. It would certainly be worth checking it out.
Always good to rule something out that can be behind at least 300 symptoms in the body 😊 Just bear in mind that not all the tests I have mentioned will be done on the NHS ....Private Testing available in the home - please ask if you would like details ....
Your problem if you are B12 deficient maybe something that you wouldn't be able to help with by changing your diet it may be the fact that you have an issue with the parietal cells in your stomach so B12 that is taken by an Oral capsule or through food is not actually getting through to your cells. This all may mean that you may have to look at injections best of luck getting these on the NHS because in my eyes it will not happen unless you have had your B12 serum level tested and it being very low which I doubt because if you are taking supplements the B12 level will be very high in your blood which is what they measure but you will have a deficiency at a cellular level. As an aside Marmite is very very high in B12 look at the label you will be surprised it has an array of B vitamins in it and it will do you good so maybe start eating this and if you're one of the Marmite haters learn to love it. GOOD LUCK
...my prob was leaky gut and gut flora and had a few antibodies
Have now gone. BAck into range after eight months of GF low sugar and using Nutri sustain powder also dropped two stones of the three I had put on
Good luck. Hope you find the right one soon xx but definitely thi gsbto help
You can also try to sit up after u eat? Sitting on your bottom, with legs bent. Hope it helps.
Gargling for gut health, you can look it up.