Meltdown at the doctors office - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Meltdown at the doctors office

KimberinUS profile image
11 Replies

About 2 weeks ago I left a voicemail for my naturopathic doctor to call me back, explaining that I would like to be tested for h pylori. She never called me back. I went to her office for an appointment a week ago. We went over all of my newest labs and she was suggesting everything from celiacs, to a thyroid issue, to a hormonal imbalance.

I was thinking, I agree I have multiple problems but it seems unlikely that I would have those three problems plus a B12 deficiency problem and much more likely that I would have an H pylori problem which will cause all those problems.

We almost got into an argument. She pointed out that my argumentiveness pointed to hormones or maybe low seratonin. I told her that 80-90% of the serotonin that is in our bodies is produced in our gut.

She finally just gave up. I could see it in her eyes. She said okay Kimber. I'll give you this test but if it's negative then you need to do a complete thyroid panel for me. I agreed.

I went to the office yesterday to pick up the test results and she just happened to be at the desk talking to the receptionist. They handed me the test results which were folded inside of an envelope so I just looked at her and said so, is it negative?

She said no. it's positive. And I immediately started crying. She came over to me and was trying to consol me and kept saying, you were right Kimber. We can fix this. It's okay. You were right. We can fix this.

When I could finally manage to speak, I told her that I was just so relieved to have found the possible cause of my problems. And that I was so relieved to have hope that I wouldn't have to continue to live like this, fatigued, aching, irritable, concentration issues, memory problems, Etc.

I didn't say 3 things. 1. she should have tested me for this almost 4 months ago. 2. she should have suggested it after she realized she had a B12 deficient patient and had done some research and found that this could be a problem. 3. that she should have never have argued with me about taking this test when she had had an entire week to research it, after I had left a voicemail for her.

Rant over.

Even in the US, even when paying out of pocket for a naturalpathic doctor, patients struggle.

Treating h pylori may not cure me but I certainly am not going to be cured while I still have H pylori. I have been testing b12 deficient since Oct 2014 and 2 prior doctors and this one offered tablets. It wasn't until I started getting injections that I could think clearly enough in order to be able to research what could be the possible root cause.

This forum has helped me on the days i couldnt help myself. I will be forever grateful to all of you.

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KimberinUS profile image
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11 Replies
fbirder profile image

If you want to read the real story of a naturopath I can recommend

JMN2017 profile image

Great news!!! Just shows us how digging in our heels and persevering is often the way to go. :)

Well done :)

Foggyme profile image

Hi KimberineUS. About the rant...very valid questions 😉.

When she talks about 'fixing it'...don't know about in the US...or what your naturopath the UK the usual eradication therapy is a course of triple antibiotics (think it was 10 days but can't quite remember), with a another Heliobactor test two weeks after treatment had been completed, to make sure that eradication has occurred (I tested positive again after the first course of triple antibiotics, so had to have a second course - then another test to ensure that it had, in fact, gone).

Also,worth knowing that people with PA or other autoimmune conditions are prone to infection and re-infection, so if symptoms return at a later date, it's worth getting tested again.

Top marks for perseverance but oh isn't it awful that we all have to work so hard to get listened too...and to get treatment.

Good luck...hope things continue to improve 👍

P.s. Wouldn't it have been nice if she'd telephoned you with the results as soon as she got them...under the circumstances...with an apology 🤔

KimberinUS profile image
KimberinUS in reply to Foggyme

Omg.. lol. I about choked when i read the part about her calling with results and an apology!?! It had not even crossed my mind that she should have apologized. Oh the pedalstool we put people in the medical field on.

I had been alternating all last week, between doing the test and getting the results, of feeling guilty that i had argued with her and feeling that it was my money to "waste" on this test if i wanted to.

I chalked that waivering back and forth, up to my "supposed" hormonal/serotonin issues.

In the US. many Naturalpathic docors do not prescribe medications. They use alternative medicines such as nutrition, vitamins and suppliments. "supposedly" looking for root causes of symptoms. This is why i went to a naturalpathic doctor.

Regardless, when it comes to h pylori i will be getting an actual medication therapy from a regular doctor. And i will be retested to verify it is gone!!!

wedgewood profile image

I am very pleased for you ! All the best for your future treatment !

Polaris profile image

I'm so sorry you've had such a stressful time obtaining a diagnosis Kimber.

Over twenty years ago, having constant gastritis, IBS, reflux, gall bladder symptoms, etc.,I was told by GP, "nobody gets ulcers any more - you just need Zantac" . Gp looked puzzled when I mentioned Australian research into H/pylori causing gastritis.

Later down the line, after a particularly bad bout of gastritis, I paid for a private endoscopy. High H/pylori was found and I was given high dose antibiotic treatment, but it did not alleviate the digestive symptoms and H/pylori returned. Antibiotics will alter the gut biome, so perhaps this is something you can discuss with your doctor or naturopath.

Looking back, that was the beginning of the downward slope.... and Hashimoto's, then B12 def.

Years later, I have found the longest relief from all painful digestive symptoms in avoiding gluten and taking daily spoonfuls of sauerkraut (the most effective probiotic I'd tried). I wish I'd found this before - others find alternative fermented foods, Symprove or Bio-cult also help to create a healthy gut.

"PA is the end-stage of atrophic body gastritis. Long-standing Helicobacter pylori infection probably plays a role in many patients with PA, in whom the active infectious process has been gradually replaced by an autoimmune disease that terminates in a burned-out infection and the irreversible destruction of the gastric body mucosa. Human leucocyte antigen-DR genotypes suggest a role for genetic susceptibility in PA. "

PS. it might be a good idea to have thyroid tests anyway (TSH, T4, T3 and thyroid antibodies), as you probably know symptoms overlap in autoimmune disease.

[Minor Admin Edit to one sentence]

KimberinUS profile image
KimberinUS in reply to Polaris

I had a breath test for h pylori, so therefore my infection is active. I am lucky that i dont have any stomach pain. This lack of pain, was why it took me so long to request this test, due to originally thinking i probably didnt have it because i have no pain. However i ended up finding that many people dont have stomach pain but instead have nausea and feeling full quickly, both of which i have.

I believe that once you have low stomach acid due to libg term h pylori damage, then your susceptibility to being reinfected is greater, so i will need to monitor this in the future.

I completely believe i could have a thyroid issue. however the question is: is my thyroid hypo due to lack of needed nutrition (likily for me) or due to autoimmune issue (hasimotos). I have 2 prior hositomtos antibodies tests with a level of 2 and it is not indicated until greater than 9 on my lab.

I have looked at both options of medication and natural ways to treat h pylori. I have chosen to do both. Medication first and natural following until i can be retested.

I have to get rid of it, as i have plenty of b12 from injections and feel better but still unwell if that makes sense.

Foggyme profile image
FoggymeAdministrator in reply to KimberinUS

Hi KimberinUK. Think you've made a sensible choice...long-term infection with pylori may be implicated in the destruction of the gastric mucosa and parietal cells - precursors to the eventual development of PA.

And taking care of the gut biome afterwards...well, that's sensible too (Polaris's suggestion about Saukeraut is a good one - it's certainly helping me. Bio-Kult too).

Good luck


Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to KimberinUS

I understand completely, Kimber

This is interesting :

Polaris profile image
Polaris in reply to Polaris

Another you may find interesting - just come into my in box - although it's related to Hashimoto's, it mentions h/pylor and various beneficial probiotics :

Cb1963 profile image

So glad that you've got your results and been able to get the answers to your questions, however just a word of warning, even though looking further forward you'll be treated with a course of antibiotics to eradicate the h pylori bug, there's the other issue of maybe having to take a antacid tablet for the foresable future, something like omeprazole, which in turn can cause the vitamin b12 not to be absorbed into the body, I've had numerous stomach problems over the years and had quite a few general anaesthetics which also can affect the the stomach acid, so if you have had stomach problems that's always a good pointer to vitamin deficiency, so good luck for the future and hopefully you will start to feel better soon

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