About 2 weeks ago I left a voicemail for my naturopathic doctor to call me back, explaining that I would like to be tested for h pylori. She never called me back. I went to her office for an appointment a week ago. We went over all of my newest labs and she was suggesting everything from celiacs, to a thyroid issue, to a hormonal imbalance.
I was thinking, I agree I have multiple problems but it seems unlikely that I would have those three problems plus a B12 deficiency problem and much more likely that I would have an H pylori problem which will cause all those problems.
We almost got into an argument. She pointed out that my argumentiveness pointed to hormones or maybe low seratonin. I told her that 80-90% of the serotonin that is in our bodies is produced in our gut.
She finally just gave up. I could see it in her eyes. She said okay Kimber. I'll give you this test but if it's negative then you need to do a complete thyroid panel for me. I agreed.
I went to the office yesterday to pick up the test results and she just happened to be at the desk talking to the receptionist. They handed me the test results which were folded inside of an envelope so I just looked at her and said so, is it negative?
She said no. it's positive. And I immediately started crying. She came over to me and was trying to consol me and kept saying, you were right Kimber. We can fix this. It's okay. You were right. We can fix this.
When I could finally manage to speak, I told her that I was just so relieved to have found the possible cause of my problems. And that I was so relieved to have hope that I wouldn't have to continue to live like this, fatigued, aching, irritable, concentration issues, memory problems, Etc.
I didn't say 3 things. 1. she should have tested me for this almost 4 months ago. 2. she should have suggested it after she realized she had a B12 deficient patient and had done some research and found that this could be a problem. 3. that she should have never have argued with me about taking this test when she had had an entire week to research it, after I had left a voicemail for her.
Rant over.
Even in the US, even when paying out of pocket for a naturalpathic doctor, patients struggle.
Treating h pylori may not cure me but I certainly am not going to be cured while I still have H pylori. I have been testing b12 deficient since Oct 2014 and 2 prior doctors and this one offered tablets. It wasn't until I started getting injections that I could think clearly enough in order to be able to research what could be the possible root cause.
This forum has helped me on the days i couldnt help myself. I will be forever grateful to all of you.