Could someone please advise me.... I've been injecting every other day for the past few weeks now.. it's my 11th jab today ( I have neurological involvement) and I've been feeling a bit of improvement this last week.. but last night just before I went to bed I felt a bit floaty and tingly all over.. the tingling lasted all night and I'm still tingling.. also when I got up I was constipated and the muscles in my legs are twitching and tingly... I've been told that B12 can cause potassium levels to drop.. I have a appointment with my doctor next Wednesday.. but should I start a supplement now?? and if so what dose??..otherwise I'll have to wait for tests and results.. that could take weeks.. I'm worried if it's low potassium I'm doing myself harm on top of everything... Please help ☺....
Potassium supplements : Could someone... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Potassium supplements

Hi Frances55 Bananas, apricots, oranges, and tomatoes are high in potassium content and eating some will do you no harm. until you can see your doctor.
Ask to have your Folate checked as this and B12 helps your iron to function properly
Thanks for your advice ☺... I'll get some banana and apricot today.. see if it'll eleveate some of these symptoms... the tingling all over is the main reason I went to the doctor in the first place... and from that and some other symptoms.. I was diagnosed with PA....all the best ☺... and thanks again...
Some people find that their symptoms increase when they start B12 treatment.
Someone suggested to me that it could be the nerves "waking up" after a long period without enough B12.
I try to eat food that contains potassium.
Taking potassium supplements may cause problems for some people so best to discuss that with GP first.
I am not medically trained.
Thanks for that... I'm off to the supermarket now to get some bananas and apricot ☺... All the best

Low potassium is a possibility in the early loading doses phase if you have anaemia.
As others say - high levels of potassium are problematic as well as low levels - the range is a fine balance so always consult your GP or a pharmacist before using supplements.
I have Vit B12 injections but take foods high in potassium as have an intermittent heart irregularity (AF) and noticed potassium levels were low at the times it happened. A very good source of potassium- in addition to t he coconut water and bananas mentioned, is jacket potato- about 1000mg -almost a quarter of daily needs!1
Thanks for your kind reply ☺... I'm vegetarian and love jacket potato ☺... I'll get some tomorrow... I eat a banana every other day.. and I've got some dried apricot earlier...I love anything coconut...and I put coconut milk in food.. but I don't know if I could drink it.. but I suppose needs must... does it actually taste like coconut??? If it does I won't have a problem with it ☺... all the best...
I had a tingling sensation all over my skin at the end of my first day of methylcobalamin 2000mcg. Neurological involvement too. The next day I woke up to horrible spasms in my calves, toes and hands. Potassium pills 1500mg 2x day take care of the spasms for me. See the link below about potassium and correcting a B12 deficiency (rapid DNA synthesis and rapid cell division). Adequate daily intake is 4700mg.
lo salt is a good source of potassium
dates contain double the amount of potassium that bananas do!
In addition to potassium, I've also upped my intake of calcium and magnesium. I've notices my legs feeling a little restless after my shots. This restlessness goes away if I take a magnesium supplement before I go to bed. It's not easy to get enough magnesium through diet alone.
I have a big glass of half coconut water, half orange juice first thing every morning, with a banana. And I try to eat other potassium-rich foods too. I googled it and printed off a list. Always best to get vits and minerals from natural sources if possible.