Looking for some advice over whether the symptoms i'm experiencing could be a B12 deficiency. I'm a 19 year old female with some stomach acidity and bowel problems.
In April, I began experiencing inner groin pain on my right leg. This seemed to pass on its own.
10 weeks ago, this groin pain returned, and quickly spread down my right leg and into my back. I can't fully straighten my right knee - it feels extremely tight and heavy. There's no inflammation or obvious injury.
I have seen numerous physios and drs who state that I have a trapped nerve and that it will heal. The most recent dr I saw prescribed 30/500 cocodamol and told me there was nothing he could do. My knee is still extremely saw, and in the last few weeks, I've developed more symptoms. My feet frequently go numb, particularly when I left them up. I had pins and needles in my face and fingers for about 3 days (which seem to have calmed down).
This "bone" pain in my legs, and aching in my back and groin is so painful, I wish it could get sorted. I did have some visual disturbances and a horrific migraine recently (only me second migraine ever), though they too seem to have passed.
Should the doctor be checking my B12?