Well, I had my first appointment with the neurologist yesterday.....
I had a MRI done of my head 5 weeks ago, and I had picked up the results from my doctor before going to see the neurologist, the results said normal/unremarkable.
So the neurologist asked me a load of questions about what symptoms I had,
*Pins & needles in both feet & Hands not continuous but many times/often throughout every day and sometimes random pins & needles on legs/arms
*Loss of balance bump into things, sometimes fall
* Stagger if get up in the night first thing in the morning, have to hold onto wall door frames to get to bathroom.
*Forget things
* Tired/exhausted
* Cannot judge distance, ie people walking towards me I cannot judge if I can get through a gap so have to stop as likely to loose balance
*weakness in muscles
So first of all he got me to walk down corridor and back then he got me to take shoes of and did some test on my feet, and tested various reflexes, then he got me to do touching his finger and doing stuff with my left hand then the right hand.
Well it is obvious there is something wrong, as many of the tests on the right side of my body I couldn't do or found extremely difficult.
So conclusion, "yes there is something definitely wrong, but I don't know what it is, If your doctor cannot work out what is wrong with you, he sends you to me, and we often don't know what is wrong either, it isn't MS, it isn't Parkinsons, it is most likely something quite rare, we just find you all very interesting, and even if we do know what it is, there is probably nothing we can prescribe that will make little or any difference" "As time goes on and your condition progresses we may be able to see something that say, oh yes that is what it is"
He then gets a pathology a bag out
"We shall do some more blood tests, but I don't think this will come back with anything, want to rule out Wilsons Disease, pretty sure it is not that but we will test it because we can"
" I will look at the Brain Scan myself and if I see anything I will let you know or if anything comes back from the blood tests.... See you in 8 MONTHS"
So That was a complete waste of time! They will just watch me get worse and think it is interesting GREAT!