Hi Everyone
I’m after some much needed help! I have very low B12 levels over the past 6 months - readings 151.
My doctor gave me a course of 5 loading dose injections over 2 weeks - Hydroxocobalamin but this hasn’t seemed to help me much & my symptoms seemed to have flared up even more since I had them. My next injection is due in about 4 weeks but to be honest Im frightened to have it, as I had severe insomnia and Rosacea flare ups from the last time.
My question really is about Methylocobalamin, I have read that this is much better than the other forms of B12 but I cannot find anywhere to purchase this in the UK. I have heard it can be imported from Germany, does anyone know if this is legal and if so, do you need to have a prescription? It would be really helpful if someone knew of a place in the UK instead?
I am waiting to see a gastroenterologist as my GP thinks that I may have the B12 problem due to my gastritis, so I don’t think taking Methylocobalamin orally is an option for me.
The other question that I’m not sure if anyone can really give me a proper answer to is initially I had a low B12 over 6 years ago - level 127 but was only given 1 injection at the time but received no more from my GP back then. Is there a possibility that I don’t feel any better as I was left for so long with no proper treatment? Also if this is the case should my GP have given more injections at the time?
A bit of history about me, I have been really poorly for over 5 years. Symptoms are pretty much all of what you get from having pernicious Anaemia & autoimmune disorders. I currently know that I also have a severe vitamin D deficiency and quite a low Iron count. I have also just recently had a problem with my Oestradiol levels, which went extremely low but since I had the loading doses have increased a bit. My GP says that this could well have been because of my B12 being low.
I would like to hear back from anyone else who may have experienced this as well? I’m concerned as I’m only 35 & not pre-menopausal, so really don’t know why this happened and don’t want my levels to go back down again.
I would appreciate any help & advice. Thank you.