Hi everyone,
Just joined the PA society and the forum.
I was diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency (level at 150) in June and was immediately started on 6 injections of loading dosing then told the usual - come back in 3 months, how ever after my injections I got worse and worse to the point I can hardly get up the stairs!! After 3 return visit to the doctor - told No you can't have any more injections and No your symptons aren't worse - I dragged myself to NHS 24 where a muscle enzyme test was completed - of course this came back as normal but still had all the leg pain, weakness and now numb feet!!! Had an appointment for blood results and end up crying to doctor as literally didn't think I could carry on any more - thankfully I did this as low and behold she managed to get me an emergency app the next day with a specialist - everything pointing to Viamin B12 deficiency!!! Now on an injection every other day for the foreseeable future but feel awful - couldn't even get up the door step this aft.
I'm taking berrocca daily and a vitamin B12 boost spray - is this ok to do? (Only just started this) but am desperate to know how long I'm going to feel like this, no energy, no enthusiasm, tired, worse legs ever, very weak muscles and general feeling yuck
Please advice xx