Hi my b12 was 100 had loading doses but since then I have had right arm tingling in arms and numb fingers, it happens a few times a day lasts a few seconds and then goes, can't fathom out why it's happing did mention it to docs but don't seem interested,
B12: Hi my b12 was 100 had loading... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Hi Ozzie,
All I can think of is that you could be getting low on potassium, but to much is also bad so you realy should ask your GP to investigate if it comes back regularly. Also remember other vitamin deficiencies can cause same sort of problems so perhaps take a multi vitamin to make sure you are no getting deficient in other (B ) vitamins. Sorry I can not be of much help,
Kind regards,

Hi Marre
I was interested in your reply re "could be low potassium" I have low potassium so my Doc. took me off my water tablets last week [ he thinks they are the cause of it ] and to see how things go. However last year my potassium was too high!!! so I was taken off one of my blood pressure tablets and put on another one, which seemed to be doing the trick up until now. I am experiencinglethargy, some palpitations, and pins and needles in my feet, which is also a symptom of low B12.
Last year I was borderline B12 deficient at level 226 so I took a course of Methylocobalamin sublinguals 5mgs per day, and my level rose to 2000. so I stopped taking them. I'm now wondering if Methylcobalamin could upset the the potassium levels ? all very confusing.
Hi Bowler,
If you start B12 treatment then that could cause a drop in potassium causing hypokalemia which can be fatal. You obviously are taking a lot of medication, its sad that all come with unwanted side effects, its a matter of keeping as much in balance and keeping quality of life I suppose.
Perhaps this link may interest you see:
Potassium supplements can reduce absorption of vitamin B12 in some people and might contribute to vitamin B12 deficiency."
" Cardiac arrhythmias secondary to hypokalaemia have been reported during initial therapy and plasma potassium should, therefore, be monitored during this period."
What you described seem to me symptoms of low B12, I'd have further tests if I were you, active B12 and or MMA would help to decide if you are actually deficient of B12 at tissue level,but I'm no medic and perhaps to alarmed.
Kind regards,
(for info on Active B12 see: active-b12.com/What-Is-Acti... , and: active-b12.com/content/acti... )
Thank you for your prompt reply and link. I also take Prednisolone for Giant cell Arteritis.
I didn't mention this before as I didn't want to confuse you with all my ailments/medication.
However like you say "all meds. come with side effects" but unfortunately I have no choice.
I only hope that not taking the water tablet, and eating potassium rich foods will do the trick, however I will have to watch that my potassium doesn't go too high !!!
I have noticed that without the water tablets these past few days, my feet are starting to swell, something else to worry about. Thank goodness for these sites, so we can share our problems/worries.
Its all a matter of balancing quality of life and what is good/ bad for your body, not alwayseasy to find the right balance, and things can change over time! Marre.