I've read that it's important to have a good level of folic acid when taking B12, but I can't seem to find it on sale anywhere. Are they only available on prescription? I've given up on my GPs - no help there whatsoever - and am using sublingual tablets and an oral spray.
Where can I get a folic acid supplement? - Pernicious Anaemi...
Where can I get a folic acid supplement?

Hi there:
Folic Acid is available on its own, in different potencies, but it is also
added to all Multivitamins and B Complex combinations.
Multivitamins contain all Bs plus Folic Acid, in potencies starting usually
at 35. and going up to 50 and 75 mcgs, but always in different potency
combinations for each ingredient. Benefits are thus difficult to compare.
Only B Complex pills are available in 50, 75, and 100 mcg. potencies,
always with the same amount for each vitamin. The Timed Release B
Complex I use has 100 mcgs each of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12, plus
100 mcgs of Biotin, Choline, and Inositol. Folic Acid is at 400 mcgs.
I obtain all my oil Vitamins and minerals through food. Although all Bs are
found in foods, it is not always possible to have them available in our diet.
Note that most vitamins in pills/gel caps are synthetic.
You can consider a Multivitamin, for the Folic Acid you need. or you might
want to try a B Complex for even if you are on B12, you need all other Bs.
Each has a different function in our metabolism. All are water soluble, and
excess is excreted in the urine.
You will notice the effect the potency has, and can consider a higher potency
later on. Conversely, you can start with the 100 mcg potency and lower from
there, again depending on the benefits perceived.
Also note the B3 in all combinations is "niacinamide", the "no flush" version,
not as effective as its counterpart, niacin. The B12 is always "cyanocobalamin".
Most GPs and dieticians are mostly concerned with the major issues: high BP,
diabetes, obesity, and so on. For sources of vitamins and minerals obtained
from food try Googling your questions. I use the Livestrong.com website.
In good health!
In addition, noticed your serum ferritin level, if there is no decimal point, you might have
iron overload. If it is at 23.8 instead of 238 you need a good iron supplement. Try also
Schuessler Tissue Salts, a general tonic for overall fatigue and exhaustion, Combination
12, by Martin & Pleasance, of Australia, but available in good health stores in the UK. It
now comes also in spray form. Rescue Remedy spray or liquid by Dr. Bach is of different
source, but can also be helpful.
I take Jarrow's B-Right for the B's, the B12 in it is Methyl. It has 400mcg folic acid. As long as you take it with food I think you avoid the niacin flush issue?
I also get 5mg folic acid on prescription to take daily as my folate was very low, I'm not sure what the maintenance dose is once my levels come up. So in theory the max is 35mg a week, so I miss off one 5mg tablet a week to compensate for the amount I'm getting in the B-complex (2.8mg).
I believe you can buy 800mcg strength folic acid from Holland & Barrett.
However, do you know what your folate levels are? You don't want to get too much of it. If your levels are good then maybe just taking a B-complex would be sufficient...
If your folate was high to begin with, it could drop down once you start getting enough B12 to make use of it. So worth getting a retest once in a while to check you're not too high or too low.
Thanks for your help, Mashby and Hampster.
I've been using 'Vie Patch Plus 10' patches once a week, and Swanson Ultra Methylcobalamin 5mg once a day, since April. Since May I've also been using Advantage B12 500mcg spray four or five times a day.
I also take a multivitamin & iron tablet every day which contains 100% RDA of pretty much everything, including 200mcg folic acid, so maybe I'm already getting enough anyway....?
My ferritin level when last tested was indeed 238, but I had no idea one could have an iron overload. In fact I actually spent most of my life slightly anaemic due to very heavy periods, eventually opting for a hysterectomy at the age of 38 after a massive haemorrhage - nearly 4 pints, I was told! Neither the GP nor the gynaecologist offered any explanation for what happened to me, but in hindsight I believe I had endometriosis.
I have been feeling a little better recently, and I so want to believe that the B12 is truly helping me, rather than just acting as a placebo. My taste buds seem to be re-awakening and my appetite is returning - I've put on 3 lbs!! The horrible 'everything tastes salty' thing has gone. My mouth, tongue and lips still burn every morning, but much, much less. And my feet don't burn as much either. I get restless legs less often too, but strangely when it returns it's even worse than before! And the pins and needles in my right hand is milder, but it's there most of the time now. Weird.
I wish I knew whether this proved that my problems are all due to B12 defiency... I doubt that I'll ever go back to my GP, and there's no point in transferring to a new one; his notes will just follow me. So I'll never have a true diagnosis.
If you're self supplementing, I would recommend you read some of "nostoneunturned's" posts, similar situation with GP so just DIYed.
Also, have a read of the PAS forum, as lots of people self inject with hydroxo bought from Europe, where it is widely available over the counter. I'm not recommending it as such, just making you aware that people do it. I definitely get more benefit from hydroxo jabs (from my GP) than methyl subs, but everyone is different with different reasons for their PA and different treatment regimes appropriate.