Has anyone else had swollen ankles and sk... - Cure Parkinson's

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Has anyone else had swollen ankles and skin rashes from amantadine? And do the good effects of amantadine disappear over time?

dottie profile image
12 Replies
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12 Replies
Paul_Dineen profile image

I've been taking Amantadine for about 2 months now with no side-effects that I've noticed.

Mirapex gave me some serious lymphedema, which meant swollen feet, ankles and calves.

dottie profile image
dottie in reply to Paul_Dineen

Thank you Paul.

Is it working well for you? My movement is more fluid, but my ankles swell up and from mid calf down there is nasty rash.

My case is complex: I've had two DBS surgeries because I have so much dystonia. So one set of leads is in the STN.The other set, connected to a second battery goes to the Globus Pallidus which in most prople eases the dystonia. I'm told there are about 50 people on the planet who have two stimulation systems. My programmer is one of the best in the country so I am doing OK, exceot for the side effects from Amantadine.

Paul_Dineen profile image
Paul_Dineen in reply to dottie

> Is it working well for you?

The Mirapex? I had to get off that -- the lymphedema was too much.

The Amantadine? Hard to tell. I think I started taking it at the same time that I was increasing the amount of levodopa I was taking (but my memory is fuzzy on that), so it's hard to know how much more dyskinesia it prevented.

I'm currently on:

3 times per day:

- carb/levo 25/100: 2 pills

- trihexyphenidyl (Artane generic) 2mg

- amantadine 100mg

Once a day:

- Requip XL: 14mg each morning, will be 16mg a week from now - then steady until next Dr visit

Only side effects so far on this set: dyskinesia (reducing as I reduce the levo from 900mg/day to 600mg/day). Dry mouth (from amantadine).


- overall: enormously better than being completely unmedicated (as I returned to in summer 2011 before seeing current neurologist for 1st time).

- The trihexyphenidyl gave significant speed-up of right hand in writing and typing (worth it for that).

- Requip XL: too soon to tell (I hope). @14mg/day no change; will go to 16mg/day before next Dr visit. I don't know if he'll increase the Requip, or what else he might do.

I'm different in that the 3 neurologists are struck by how much PD affects my right side without yet affecting my left. That makes it hard to treat me with levodopa without causing too much dyskinesia on the left.

Jerebet profile image

I'm not experiencing any issues with Amantadine but had to stop taking Requip as it bottomed out my blood pressure, made me yawn non stop for several hours, made me nauseous and diaphoretic..

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to Jerebet

I developed a rash..itchy..after two wks in it. Still taking it. Has not helped tremor. Which is why neuro prescribed it. I only have tremor. Does it help tremor?

dottie profile image

Paul, Jerebet:

Thanks so much for answering and taking the time. Paul,your "cocktail" list is as lengthy as mine. I can't tolerate Sinemet, even Parcopa which is Sinemet that bypasses the stomach a little. The DBS is the best medication for me. I took Requip after the diagnosis and tolerated it well except it exacerbated the dystonia.

Jerebet thanks for your answer. Requip used to make me sleepy too: at work there were times when I fell asleep in front of the computer!

Best wishes to both of you!

I've been on Amantadine for over 10 years with virtually no side effects other than dry mouth.

fallon profile image

I took Amantadine for several months. After a few months, I noticed some skin discoloration on my legs. It didn't hurt or itch so it wasn't a rash as I think of a rash. Another issue I had with Amantadine was that it made me agitated and restless. That made me very uncomfortable. I can email my neurologist. So when I had had enough of the side effects, I emailed her a picture of my leg and she immediately knew what was causing the skin discoloration. It was the Amantadine. Cutting back on the dose helped a little but not much. After I stopped taking it, the skin discoloration went away, as did the restlessness and agitation. ~marge

MagicMax profile image

Please note all the problems caused by Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) as reviewed on the internet. I think that SLS my cause Parkinson's. PD info was first recorded in 1817. About that time in history and today; the only thing in common that may cause PD is soap. In 1817, as well as today, soap is made using lye. SLS is made from an acid and a pesticide. SLS is found in soap, shampoo, toothpaste, shaving cream, body wash, cosmetics, Amantadine, etc. So, here we are surrounding our brain with a poison.

I would suggest slowly getting off Amantadine (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT), then slowly start using trihexyphenidyl. I did this and feel great. I have had PD since May 5, 2003. Also, read product labels to get away from SLS. Whole Foods stocks many safe products.

Moderator_1 profile image


I have heard of many people having swollen ankles and a mottled looking skin especially on the lower legs when taking Amantadine. They have not stopped the medication because of these side effects. Yes I have read it can loose effectiveness over time for some people.

dottie profile image

Thank you all. I started using it about a year ago, It was amazingly effective. But it did cause swollen ankles and splotches after about a month. Then I had two falls (after stopping the Amantadine) and had to go to the hospital, then rehab. My rehab Doc put me back on it, and I have had some positive effects, but these weird side effects present as well. Cranberryj juice helps, as does coffee.

To the gentleman who is taking Artane: My neurologist does not want me to take that:she has had me on Cogentin for the 10 years I have been with her. That takes care of the Dystonia.

Thanks again to all!!

I am taking requip xl and stalevo and am suffering from swollen ankles and itchy rash

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