I am taking (Carbidopa-Levodopa and my sk... - Cure Parkinson's
I am taking (Carbidopa-Levodopa and my skin is really gritty feeling. Has anyone else had this?

I have very dry, gritty skin, especially on my forearms. It has persisted through three changes of medication, including C/dopaL/dopa and now Requip. I see it as the PD, not the medication. It also affects the scalp.
My skin is dry but it does not bother me too much except my scalp which feels as though I have scurf. PD strikes again, I think. Booger!
For the first time in my life...taking the same med that you have mentioned here...I find hat my skin is gritty and dry and the skin on my arms has gotten very very thin almost see thru if that makes any sense and I bruise so easily round my wrist & fore arms not knowing how. I would ask if this is normal but at this point I wouldn't know normal if I fell over it....<grimice>
I know that when I took Requip ( ropinirole) , I had raised brown spots come up on my arms & it itched like crazy. I quit taking these meds but the spots are still there with really rough skin on my arms. Makes a person wonder, is the disease or the meds worse? Just taking the C/dopaL/dopa my scalp is very dry too along with the gritty skin.
I found that my husband was scratching at his scalp more frequently, so I purchased a special shampoo, and have continued to purchase 3 to 4 different types as suggested in several articles regarding itchy scalp and dandruff. The variations seem to have quelled the itchiness.
I also take carbo/levo and have a similar skin cndition on my back and abdomen, with my scalp feeling unusually itchy at times.
I've had psoriasis since I was 4 years old, (that I can remember), and thought it was just another "phase" of psoriasis............then I read the literature provided by the drug companies, that comes with the medication, when you pick it up at the pharmacy......It mentioned a skin reaction on the abdomen, and other areas.
Now I'm not sure if it's just another "blessing" of psoriasis, or possibly a reaction from the meds.....Oh well,I figure one way or the other, I was "destined" to get it! :o)
Yes it's annoying!
My husband has the same problem hair, eye brows body evrywhere . .. I think it is the Parkinsons . Could be the meds as well of course His Gp told him to use HEAD AND SHOULDERS SHAMPOO. We did try bit I was afraid it might be tooo strong and gave up .. My husband has extremely sensitive skin .
I have since started using it regularly agian , It has been a big help He nows uses it all over his body and hair .. Doesn;t upset his skin at all ..
Do give it a go .
You also need to wash during the say more often .
Could be seborrhoeic dermatitis an eczema like condition known to be associated with PD. It can cause very severe dandruff too.
Yup, what Lindy said! I learned this from a good dermatologist who also was quite familiar with PD symptoms. Back then, none of my PD doctors were aware of this or of our increased propensity to get melanoma once we have PD or of our increased tendency to get PD once we have melanoma. Good reason to have a good dermatologist on your team!
Steve (Bisbee, AZ)