Has anyone else been a sugar addict and h... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone else been a sugar addict and have lots of mercury silver fillings or amalgam?

Yes to both.
If my fillings are a problem wouldn't the mercury show up in blood tests?
PD has cured my sugar addiction.
No. It only has to be in tiny amounts to cause damage to your system. See videos on utube..Im detoxing myself as kinesiologist says i have mercury, heavy metal and chemical poisoning. Also had my root filling tooth removedas it was infected. Ill let you know if there is any improvement with pd .. He reckons if my endochlrine in my body improves? C alms down dopamine levels will readjust..may not be true but worth a try..hes giving me zinc sulpate supplements i still love sugar!
Yes. I too have a lot of mercury fillings done in my youth. I have read that mercury can affect you badly. Am having trouble with a crown at the moment and have not been feeling very good. Seeing the dentist on Thursday so will see what happens then.
im paying a fortune to get them removed by a mercury removal expert;;;Most dentists put mercury amalgam under the crown;;;T Harley st one removed it by damming it and using oxygen and ozone;;some people say thhese diseases are caused by mercury and heavy metals so if you detox;;it cannot do any harm and may do something miraculous! dont get them removed by an ordinary dentist as i have done in the past as it releases it into your body..
Hello Dican, Yes, I had 3 bridges, with several root canals and they all were made with metals containing mercury. In 2005, I began noticing a peculiar metal taste in my mouth. In 2007, I became seeing and experiencing symptoms of Parkinson's. This is only my thoughts, not from my doctor. However, I do believe it had something to do with my symptoms. I was diaganosed with PD in 2009. As for sugar .... I do know that carbodopa/levadopa(Sinemet), has a side effect of increased sugar cravings and false glucose readings, at least my insert indicates this. I also know that when my extended release Sinemet works, my blood sugar reading increases. Hope this helps.
YES to sugar, guilty pleasure
Had amalgams a long time ago, all removed, one of the few benefits of having married my kids' father, he insisted on removing them and we have not been together in30+ years( just as a reference)
I underwent chelation at my MD's office. I chose oral, it can also be done as an IV procedure
I've been searching through the old posts looking for anything to do with mercury and links with Parkinson's and wondered if you had your old amalgam fillings removed ? If so would you mind sharing your experience of how it went and whether you have had any halt to the progress of your PD ?
I realise that this is almost impossible to assess objectively but as I am considering this procedure myself I am very interested in your experience before committing to something which may have the opposite affect to what I want.