how do you coop with not being able to ha... - Cure Parkinson's

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how do you coop with not being able to have a bowel movement and having vivid dream

dal57 profile image
41 Replies

i have just been diagnosed i having parkinsons disease.just about 5 months ago.boy did it throw me threw a so scared.but my question is about having problems going to the bathroom and vivid nightmares how does ev1 coop with that

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dal57 profile image
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41 Replies
Hikoi profile image

Are you on medication dal57? Both the disease and some medications can cause vivid dreams.

dal57 profile image

yes im on sinemet.two kinds.i take three pills three xs a day and then i take the extended at night to help me sleep

larry33b profile image

Be afraid, be very afraid. You'll have reason to soon enough. Sorry but that's the truth.

JennyR profile image
JennyR in reply to larry33b

What do you mean Larry. Specifically, I, too, am on sinemet, stalevo, azilect and have had some strange dreams but no other problems to be "afraid" of. These have been my drug routine for almost two years and I am curious as to what you meant by your answer.

Bitbit profile image
Bitbit in reply to larry33b

Being afraid is normal. But being brave and strong and giving is our option as well. Hugs.

DeParkiePoet profile image
DeParkiePoet in reply to Bitbit

I echo that!

GailBailey profile image
GailBailey in reply to larry33b

I'm sorry to have to say this but your reply was not only very negative but scaring to the lady who asked the question. It was obvious she was in need of some facts.....Regards....

fisherman profile image
fisherman in reply to GailBailey

My wiife has been on sinemet going on four years and has not had any side effects.

jimmydook profile image
jimmydook in reply to larry33b

Best live for today, we're all gona die, but we don't sleep in the graveyard 🤔🤔

dal57 profile image

i have realized that ty for the honesty

Jupeter profile image

Are you saying that you have these problems now - or are you anticipating them?

The reason I ask is that everyone has a different experience - I am wary of comments such as Larry made. I was diagnosed 11 years ago at age 65 and I do not have the severe problems that some others may have had. I do suffer from constipation but that is manageable with diet, medication and timing. Dreams - I used to get very vivid ones but I don't have them any more.

So, if you aren't having these problems now, don't worry about it - just get on with your life as normally as possible for as long as possible.

Good luck

dal57 profile image

i am having them now.since i have been diagnosed with p.the dreams scare me sometimes.and having never had that much problems before

Jupeter profile image

If the dreams are so bad then you should discuss this with your doc/consultant. It could be that the Sinemet you take at night is causing them and you may be able to drop that and take a low dose sleeping pill instead.

Plenty of people have constipation - with or without Parkinsons. As I wrote earlier, the key is to maintain a diet with plenty of "roughage" (bran etc.) and time your visits to coincide with your most "normal" times of the day when your muscles are most responsive. Bowel movements depend on muscles just as much as other body actions so it is important to get this timing right. At least, that is my experience.

dal57 profile image

ok tyvm for the info

etterus profile image

don't forget to drink lots of water

dal57 profile image

ok ty

maybeme profile image

I dream about pooping. (That's true, but it doesn't help.)

Exercise. Prunes and other fruit. Stool softener or laxatives. Lots of water. All these combined.

Sitting on the toilet for 30 minutes playing games on my iPad helps ( but only after those others things above.) but its not good for hemorrhoids.

Bitbit profile image

Milk of magnesia to get rid of the poo, just be prepared to run! It's a big club, cheers.

Life is not all that bad with PD when you consider what other diseases people have that are far worse than this, for that I am truly thankful.

You keep to a good diet, plenty of fruit and vegetables porridge is good with oatbran stirred in.

As for the nightmares they do seem to come and go I do suspect it is the medication but if you wake up with one, have a drink of cold water and keep by your bed a favourite book or something.

I dont care if no one agreees with me, but if we stay positive it makes for a much easier life no matter how bad it gets.

my kindest regards.

cabbagecottage profile image

I think the dreams nightmares / hallucination are generally the result of medication . I have awful problems with my husband in that area but once meds stopped they ceased . Stopped taking Amitriptyline , Digoxin which he took for his heArt and Strong pain killer . /cocodamol in particular, .. Movacol for ease of bowel movement brill.

PatV profile image

I've had PD 10 years now I'm 72. But did not get diagnosed for 3 years. Nothing to be afraid of really. I manage to enjoy my life, one day at a time. If you have fast progressing PD, make arrangements. Otherwise, make plans. Exercise, diet, fun. Constipation is a big problem for me--I can't take anything irritating to help me go. Right now I'm trying flaxoil, aloe vera juice, stool softener and Senna. Lots of liquids. To sleep I use klonopin, valerian and melatonin. I have vivid dreams, and they are always pleasant. There are people in my PD exercise classes who are in their 80's. They come with their health care assistant, walkers, whatever and we have a ball!

DeParkiePoet profile image
DeParkiePoet in reply to PatV

you go PAT!

Parkinson_Schmarkinson profile image
Parkinson_Schmarkinson in reply to PatV

Good letter: concise, objective, realistic and


I miss my vivid dreams, they were almost always pleasant and entertaining.

export profile image

HIYA once you know your dreaming you should be able to tell yourself is only a dream.

when your good at it you can control it and go some where nice.

yours EXPORT.

dal57 profile image

tyvm.they have been good and they have mostly been bad really bad waking up sewating and stuff like they are really happening.very scarry stuff to me

NanCyclist profile image

The dreams could be associated with REM sleep behavior disorder. Talk it over with your neurologist and if possible have a sleep test in which you spend the night in the hospital hooked up to electrodes et cetera. REM sleep behavior disorder is generally characterized by violent dreams where you're attacking excuse me you're being attacked by someone and you're trying to protect loved ones. People with this disorder have been known to injure themselves and/or others so it's nothing to be taken lightly. The symptoms can be controlled by taking a sleeping pill each night. I have been given clonazepam. And it works great. Best of luck.

blessed4431 profile image

Constipation. apple sauce mix in a little prune juice and some brand cereal eat a few tablespoons everyday

fishinggirl profile image

One day at a time and you just cope with everything because what's the alternative? We all have bad days and feel like Larry but don't let it be your every day.

dal57 profile image


jillannf6 profile image

hi i agree with all the above

take 1 dau at a item and if i tis a bad 1 then just go with it

otherwise i try to get somethign out fo each day(th ebest woudl be not havign a fall at lal that day ..btu alas tis not possible!)

lol Jill

neeed ot attempt to get soem sleep now!

ps constipation is terribel btu i regularly have prunes and take MOVICOL when i need to (AND FO COURSE CHOCOLATE AND RED WINE)

then i have problems gettign to the toiet in time

DeParkiePoet profile image
DeParkiePoet in reply to jillannf6

If it wasn't true it would be funny almost... haha Jil

Iwalk late at night and that helps me relax like exlax!

DeParkiePoet profile image

For Constipation:Large doses of Vit C help me also fiber, fruit and exercise!

For Dreams meditation before bed will set you up nicely

Good luck remember we're rooting for you!

Joealt profile image

I suppose the right vivid dream could scare the shit out of anyone.

zama profile image

I hear you honey. I have to induce diarrhea at least once a week in order to keep things moving. I also take a laxitive every night. So sorrry for your experience. Good luck to you.

Lolitalola profile image

Water and walking or dancing any type

Of exercise and eat light, salads and drink lots

Water. The salads you can have fun with.

I put fruit and salmon or your favorite

Fish and reds beans etc and different

Kinds of greens have fun becoming your

Own chef.

It's not about Eore or Tigger.

It's about Poo.

Sorry, couldn't help it, must be the Mirapex talking.

Kadie57 profile image

MERCY STOP scaring people, i have had PD for 11 yrs started at age 45?? yuck, PD is scary enough but (always a but) if you live in fear, that makes your emotions bad in turn that makes your PD bad.

Stop with the what if's=== get busy, I stopped thinking of myself constantly in Poor Me mode and I found tons of stuff that need help, my library at church, the kids meals on wed night class need a cook, my VFW auxiliary work with veteran causes, sometimes I can't drive I ask someone to pick me up, if I'm in slow mode I sit and wait for meds to kick in.

MOVEMENT Is the key here, just think movement is the way to build brain cells and stop the brain FOG, pratice slow large handwriting, use the old fashioned kids lined paper, have goals== at Christmas I hand wrote an address to 5 cards per day, was it hard ?? YES Just make sure you have extra envelopes LOL Be thankful every day for what you do have instead of what you don't have.

Find you sense of humor, nothing is as funny as being in the bathroom (at home) with my left arm stuck in the backside of my jeans, with me laughing so hard because my poor husband is not good at pull up pants, the jeans can only go so far UGH! Take care all, Kadie

kenteoth profile image

I often struggle with either being constipated or having diarrhea...they both suck. I have a hard time falling asleep, even if up for a long time (12+ hours). I often dream so vividly it's like I can touch things and feel things and I feel like I am living 2 in dream land and one when I am awake......too bad I can't get the money I dream about

superjanet profile image

My husband has had both these problems. Now takes 1 x Laxido sachet and 1 x Fybogel sachet every morning and 2 x senna tablets every night. That seems to do the trick. He is now on Madopar for the tremors and movement, and Galantamine for early PD dementia. He was still getting night terrors, so his consultant has now prescribed him half a 0.5 mg tablet of Clonazepam every night. This is a very low dose of an anti epilipsy drug, and it has solved the problem for him.

pedserv profile image

For constipation I take a dietary supplement -- MG PLUS PROTEIN, from Miller Pharmacal Group, Inc. It's Magnesium Oxide & Amino Acid Chelate. It works well when you determine the optimum dose (for me it's 1 tablet -- 133mg -- 3 times/per day -- 399mg/day total). I've taken as much as 6 tablets per day, but that was too much for me. My wife takes the same product for regularity and headache prevention. It functions as a vasodilator.

cjsg profile image

My husband has PD and had constipation problems, he would not change his diet so the doc put him on a stool softener am/pm and senna a veggie laxative. He and his disposition are a lot better now. He takes sinmet 25/100 3 x a day and requip er 8 mg at night to help him move better in the am. He had dreams but nothing scary or to worry about. I agree you should talk to you doctor if you are worried. We try to live one moment at a time and try to find humor where every we can. My husband also had a stroke before Christmas, we were lucky it was on the same side his PD most effects.

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