Work: Had to retire because company i... - Cure Parkinson's

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grammieof3 profile image
15 Replies

Had to retire because company i worked for after 12 years thought my pd was a problem. My mind is clear my legs just don't work very good. What now. I am two hours away from family. There are no support groups close i am at a loss

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grammieof3 profile image
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15 Replies
jeaniegal profile image

Wow, what a bad deal! Can you move nearer to your family? Do you need to work?

grammieof3 profile image
grammieof3 in reply to jeaniegal

No i guess i don't need to work i just loved my job. My boyfriends work is why i am no closer to my girls. We meet a year before my thumb started to shake and we are still together takes a special man to take on a girlfriend with pd. Disablity comes in next month. Thks for your concern

mitchdee profile image

i work in a contact centre, not perfect but, your mind is there and its easy job.

its always an option, i have tremours but the company know and are happy to support ..

i hope you get another job if you want to stay in employment. im too young to retire plus needs must

good luck


I always thought companies were supposed to help/support disabled workers

not get rid of them. I do believe that employers by law have to make allowances,. etc. otherwise it is discrimination. If you still enjoy your job and your mental capacity for it has not diminished they should take account of your Physical capacity.

I would not leave under your own steam if you can still manage somewhat.

If they insist on sacking you, take it up with a truibunal.

I am not sure if you are in UK, but their are laws here to protect disabled workers.

If unsure contact Citizens advice.

Don't give in, and I wish you good luck.

PatV profile image

In US ADA requires employers make accommodations. Or you get settlement. E. g. A years disability with benefits until you can collect SSI. Hope it works out for you.

rch21 profile image

If you are in the US, you have several options depending on the nature of your job and the degree to which you are still able to perfrom it. Someone else already mentioned the ADA - depending on the size of the company which you work, the severity of your symptoms and the nature of your job, there are a number of REasonable accomodations that can be made for you if you are still able to perfrom the "essential" functions of the job. If so, contact a lawyer familiar with this area. If you are not able to perform them, start the process of filing for social security disability - this takes time and is not made easy by the SSA, but your dismisal from work should help. Again, a lawyer with experience in SS disability could help. Good Luck.

BILLYRAY profile image

i worked for the us govt...25yrs..they forced me to big deal i get my govt retirement...of course i am 62 not that old but still can wwork can frecken walk very well fall all the time...knee pads help

I worked in a hospital for many years and after my diagnoses it became hard for me to walk all over the hospital anymore! I asked to be able to use a wheel chair and they said no, because of spreading germs! Huh? Well, I did quit. And yes, I could have fought for my rights, but didn't have the energy or desire to do it! I now run a home based business and am loving it! I do what I want, as much as I want, when I want, and where I want! And on top of that I can not drive, because of bad eyesight. But I have my customers come to me and when I tell them why, they have no problem with it! Hope my experience helps you in some way!

grammieof3 profile image

Thank u everyone i did talk to a lawyer but she said it would be hard to prove? Anyway filed for disablity and it was approved still bitter over the whole thing thank u for your comments. I have to get use to being retired

My hubby's company was forcing him to retire after 20 plus years of service. Although he was 65, he wasn't ready to retire and still able to maintain his job. We got an atty. who notified the company they couldn't do that and luckily everything worked out o.k. He was able to go back to his job until he retired on his own terms a couple of years later. If you are not retirement age and want to continue to work, you might call legal counsel and ask what your recourse is. Good luck and hang in there - things seem to work out on there own.

NMelody profile image

My dad retired as well and is finding it difficult. He was so active and now has to get used to doing what he wants. Are there schools nearby that you could go to volunteer? As a teacher I love people coming in to work with kids. What about a local shopping center that could use a greeter? A library that could use someone to help put books away? How about a place to go and workout? Being a PWP, it is so important to stay active. Be sure to find some friends to walk with or go places to keep yourself moving. It sounds like you have earned your retirement! Now go out and enjoy! :)

wifeofparky profile image

My husband planned to work after retirement as a courier for a lab company. PD ruined those plans as he is not driving at all now. He sleeps so much it is scary. We have to plan activities very carefully so he can pace himself and not peter out. If you are capable and have the drive and energy, I am sure you can use your skills in many other jobs.

grammieof3 profile image

I was taking botox shots in my legs it helped me walk only can take them every three months . This last time i had a reaction and i have really been down. Hard to breath and so tired but its getting better thought i would see if local animal shelters need help just have so much trouble walking. This has been great no local pd group really helped to talk to people who understand

driller profile image

Sorry the same thing happen to me, after 27 years working in the Oil Ind. It is hard but try and meet people on this site for suport.


Make a new job, one for you..... you'll be amazed at what you can do, you have knowledge skills experience..... re-deploy them into something else..... something you love and you are good at! You can't get rid of yourself at 'Company' me! The hours are good you know the boss and you can give yourself your birthday off!!! Nothing to loose and a lot to gain :-)

Not what you're looking for?

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