I recently started chewing my meds to try to shorten my dreaded off periods. I take Stalivo (150MG) about every 3 1/2 hrs and .Pramipexole (.25) at the same time. I have discovered that they do work faster that way. However, to my embarrassment , recently I discovered the Stalivo made my lips and my tongue bright orange! (Someone pointed this out after I came out of a meeting.) I have also discovered that if I am not careful the water in the glass or bottle I drink with my meds also turns orange. Now I am learning how to make sure all (or most) of the meds are swallowed rather then left behind. Has anyone else tried this?
Chewing my meds to make them work faster - Cure Parkinson's
Chewing my meds to make them work faster

I take generic instant release sinemet and I haven't swallowed one whole in a very long time. They have no taste and are just very chalky so I always chew them and then drink water to swallow them. I also think it helps speed up the absorption.
I chew too. Madapor so no orange Luis!!
Pramipexole also comes in ER (extended release) form. (0.25 mg is a small dose) . It is also called mirapex and I take it too. It might be dangerous to chew unless the neurologist advises this as a good idea. Best Wishes and Best of Health to you. Happy Holidays!
They have C/L that is called ODT (oral dissolving tablets) that dissolve on your tongue & work faster. They have a minty flavor. It's nice especially if you're out & don't have a glass of water.
It's called Carbidopa/Levo Odt Tabs 25/100. I take 5 - 6 per day. I think there are other strengths also. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you laglag. I'm just wondering what county you are in. I buy my meds in USA and it would be good if those tabs are available in USA
Parcopa under the tongue is what my husband used when he could not swallow pills during a hospitalization. It worked very well for him.
Parcopa is a reformulated carbo lepdova pill that is placed under the tongue when a patient cannot swallow well. My husband was intubated and had issues swallowing for several days after his tube was removed and could not swallow his rytary. Parcopa worked well for him till he was able go back to his regular meds. It seems to work pretty fast. You may want to see if it is appropriate for your needs.