Poisoned at WTC/911. Still Alive. Need in... - Cure Parkinson's

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Poisoned at WTC/911. Still Alive. Need information.

amerrescue profile image
21 Replies

I have been struggling to stay alive; since, I got poisoned while searching under the rubble of 911. The descriptive list of toxins found in my body is 35 pages long, at levels up to 5,000 x the safe limit. Lead, arsenic, cadmium, barium, mercury etc..Enough lead for 510 people to be legally certified as lead poisoned, in the city of New York. I have had as many as 47 simultaneous medical problems. Black-outs, gray-outs, white-outs, convulsions, attacks, cluster headaches, inflammation and swelling throughout my body etc etc etc... All of my organs overwhelmed. Brain damage, central nervous system damage and now my biggest concern is Peripheral Neuropathy. I have been tested by 4 neurologist's and specialists. They conclude that nothing can be done.

I have already lost 75% of the use of my left hand, 25% of the use of my right hand, and my legs sometimes collapse without warning. They tell me that they do not know when the deteroration will stop. It mnay stop after I become paralyzed or it may not stop until I lose control of all of the muscles throughout my body and die.

I am doing many different interventions of many kinds.

My question is: How to best deliver alpha lipoic acid and Acetyl-l-Carnitine into my body? I cannot find them in liposomal form. Can I make suppositories with cocoa butter? If so then how much ALA and ALC do I put into a suppository? I plan to mix glutathione into the same suppository if possible.

I have designed an extensive medical regimen that includes detoxifying my environment, detoxifying my body with zeolite, boosting my immune system with liposomal Vitamin C, liposomal B Complex, Liposomal B12. I am taking many other minerals and supplements. Any suggestions for regenerating, repairing, protecting my damaged nerve cells?

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amerrescue profile image
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21 Replies
linda96 profile image

Hello Doug,

Your situation is so unique, the toppling of the WTC in the manner that it was, also so unique - that I'm struggling to say anything that can help. I sat and watched the awful catastrophe on the morning of 9/11 and couldn't believe that anyone could survive the atrocity.

Like so many people who are trapped so cruelly within their bodies by different diseases, the only things that truly help are detox, and detox interspersed with supplementation and a big dollop of sheer bloodimindedness to get through, no matter what.

What you have been doing up until now has worked, it's got you 5 1/2 years post 9/11. Perhaps the fund that was set up afterwards to help the victims, if it's still running, could they help get you the expert medical help that you so obviously need?

amerrescue profile image
amerrescue in reply to linda96

The Zadroga Bill is total bullshit. I never got a cent and/or an aspirin. I filled out a 225 page application and have been dealing with them for 4 1/2 years without any help.

amerrescue profile image
amerrescue in reply to linda96

sad but true. my medical bills were calculated at $1,196,000.00 The fund refuses to pay a single cent for any medical problems caused by toxins. I had enough lead for 510 people to be certified as lead poisoned in any other NYC building. I got 0 cents and was told :"There is no proof that lead will hurt you."

I have tried for 4years with the Zadroga Act but have received nothing...not even an aspirin. I flew to Canada to get poor but at least some medical help. The whole 911 compensation for victims is political, phony, corporate and bullshit.

spiceyandsugar profile image
spiceyandsugar in reply to amerrescue

Unfortunately it is the true reality that politics simply. Serves to hide rich people's power & egos & agendas. But don't let this get to you. It's probably not much consolidation but it sounds like you got some help but landed with a ridiculous bill?? At least I hope you did?? Obviously not as much as you need. But if this is the case try to think well they can sing for it cos you ain't got it to repay! So no point in worrying as they can't shake you down drop that kinda money out ya pocket. But either way find your self a sauna & do what you can manage as regular as you can and I think drink plenty water before during & after. I believe you will see some benefit. I was amazed at my symptom relief. Also if first sauna experience just start off few minutes sit on lower benches & slowly increase your time. And check with Dr it's safe for you. No heart problems etc....


akgirlsrock profile image

Check out niacin detox a Dr. Helped firemen detox with tremors from 9/11. YouTube niacin detox.

amerrescue profile image
amerrescue in reply to akgirlsrock

I have been taking Niacin and 10 other detox processes for 16 years. Thanks for the interest..

amerrescue profile image
amerrescue in reply to akgirlsrock

that is one of 30treatments that I have.

akgirlsrock profile image

Try sts sodium thiosulphate video on YouTube by Tony . He's an herbalist, you must replenish with vitamin and minerals, this stuff will clean everything out.

akgirlsrock profile image

With the niacin you work up to a certain amount you exercise, then take a sauna to sweat out the junk.

amerrescue profile image

Today, I have more than treated by 80 + Doctors and medical specialists, 195 lab tests and 4,000+ pages of medical history.

amerrescue profile image

I know that there is a solution. That is why I made this post on HealthUnlocked. I have already acquired valuable information, from here. I believe that I have made great strides and made many positive steps. I am on the right path. I just need to complete my task on schedule. My records are 'open'. I have already published 3,000+ pages (not for the last 5 years). at my blog: dougcopp.me Anybody that has useful information: "I am listening, attentively."

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to amerrescue

Hi Doug

I would think if anyone had any ideas it would be Silverstrome. He is the most knowledgable person on here when it comes to understanding chemicals and treatments. He has been away a while but you could private message him.

amerrescue profile image
amerrescue in reply to Hikoi

Thanks. I am having an operation (WTC caused) and will not be able to type for a month. I will check up then.

spiceyandsugar profile image

Hi I randomly came across your post I realise it's 5months old. Am sorry but didn't have energy to read full or replies BUT I NEEDED TO TELL YOU This incase it helps. I came across a genuine medical research article whereby emergency services during 9/11 became severely ill due to toxins & mental stress. The study said that this group of sufferers underwent intensive exposure to sauna heat. So for eg keeping hydrated & they did 20 min (may have been less) then rested 20min wrapped warm robe. And they repeated this cycle for possibly as long as 5hours daily For 3 months & many made a full recovery often not needing their Meds. I'm not saying just do this by any means but see if you can find sauna study I think fibromyalgia may have been part search term. Look into it & check with your Dr. I'll try find link also for you. Hope you feel bit better soon xxx

spiceyandsugar profile image

Hi I found the link for you. Some of my details maybe wrong but please read the study. I pray this can somehow help you. I by no means compare to you, I do not have parkinsonism, however I do have fibromyalgia pain extreme exhaustion & for my pain & spiritual sanity I found hydrotherapy water massaging jets, hot tubs & regular saunas helped ease my pain immensely & lifted my spirits. It never got rid completely but the more I switched off my fight/flight nervous system by using heat therapy the more pain relief I had & feeling renewed mentally. Good luck xx


spiceyandsugar profile image

Sorry that was wrong study. Just to say also your body can start to heal only when youve switched off your fight & flight nervous system xxx

Cindy27 profile image

Thinking of you today and hope you are doing better.

amerrescue profile image

Thank you. The last month has been difficult.

Debkatherine profile image

Suanas do help but a coffee enema releases many toxins that are stored in the liver. Dr. Max Gearson did this to detoxify cancer patients. Read up on it online. Make sure the coffee is a very light organic roast. The lighter coffees contain more caffeine which aids in detoxification.

amerrescue profile image

I have have been using a far infrared sauna for 14 years and coffee colonics for 15 years..as well as a dozen other detox procedures..

999---666 profile image

you are more knowledgeable than i. have you seen a naturpathic doctor? look into low dose lithium to arrest decline, unless you have toxic levels.

vit k has interesting powers with calcium. should be googled.

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