sore knees andtired legs: Have been on2... - Cure Parkinson's

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sore knees andtired legs

cshamb profile image
16 Replies

Have been on25/100 sinimet 3 x a day and have done fine. Have been under a lot of stress and poor diet because of caring for my husband. I have recently started to have sore knees and a tired feeling in legs. Could this be the pd advancing. I have not slept due to my sick husband.Wondering if I should up the dose a bit or is it something else. I am on my feet from daylight to dusk and know longer have time for the gym.

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cshamb profile image
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16 Replies
Mikehere profile image

Yes I do believe that this can be from PD. I get sore knee and weak legs also from PD. You need to try and rest more and may need to change your meds to help. I find that over doing it will make this come on for longer periods.

I hope that you can rest more and your husband gets better. Keep a positive outlook, wish you the best.

Opt8 profile image
Opt8 in reply to Mikehere

I just got on this site. Been ill with PD symptoms for 8 years. Last good Neuro retired, but thought I had Parkinsonism and treated me with meds. It's been a doc trek for a few months until I found another neuro recently who gave me carbo/levo which helps. Have had pain in knees both front and mostly back of knees which has started just the past year. This is such a weird illness. Have problems standing up and fatigue. Exercise helps some, but even that can be a double edge sword, but i still continue in short exercise sessions.

Bailey_Texas profile image

If you are use to going to the gym then it most likely that is why you are hurting. Lack of exercise will cause the sorness. Take the time for your self. Fine a helper and go back to taking care of you. If you get down things would be worst.

Good luck.

lotty profile image

Try some tonic water which contains quinine. It might help your sore legs

BillDavid profile image

Cshamb, your situation in itself is certainly a challenge. Stress, causes the body's fight or flight system to be over active with cascades of cortisol which in animal studies are shown to aggravate PD. Relaxation, any form, Benson's Systematic relaxation techniques are indicated. Take advantage of the kinds of things you find relaxing..

PD causes the destruction of neurons that provide dopamine to the Striatim. This in turn causes weakness of joint extensor muscles, while not effecting the opposed flexor muscles, which causes problems. in itseif. Posture changeableness come from the ovfr balance in flexon. Recommended PD exercises usually invove strengthening the different joints' extensor muscles, b while stretching their flexor muscles.

Wishing you and your husdand all the best.


Josiedub profile image
Josiedub in reply to BillDavid

Hi Bill David. What a useful information. I have got two artificial knees now After the first operation I got Parkinson symptoms. The second does not seem to heal properly. The story about extensors and flexors makes sense to me. There about is the problem. Is there a book where you found this information ? Josie

BillDavid profile image
BillDavid in reply to Josiedub


The bookrefered tois "The Pa rkinson Handbook" now in 6th edition. author Dwigh C McDoon MD. Believe this inofrmation about cause is critical. In our local support grou we provide this chapter as a handout for everyone. Other materials inthe book such as his on an off route for his medication. I hae no experience with and do not endoese.


HeartSong profile image
HeartSong in reply to BillDavid

Thank you, BillDavid, for this information on extensor vs. flexor muscles and for referencing this book. I'm thinking that this may explain why most of us with PD have posture problems. I've ordered a copy of the book, and I'm hoping it spells out what exercises to do to counter the bent forward posture problem. (As an FYI for anyone interested: Amazon has a number of used copies of this book available for $0.01 (yes, one cent) plus $3.99 shipping.) (Also, the spelling of the last name on the Amazon listing is McGoon, not McDoon.)

Thanks again.

BillDavid profile image
BillDavid in reply to Josiedub


Email me at [].


Littlerody profile image

I suppose that's possible. I get like that if I overdue. I find I need a good nights sleep for sure. Is there any time for you to rest during the day? Good luck and take care. In your situation it is tough but you must take care of yourself too. Judy

leojohn profile image

I think what you are describing can happen to anyone who is a caregiver and not just to PD patients.

Not taking time to eat, falling exhausted into bed; then sleeping with "One eye open" and realizing that there is not enough time in a day to do what one wants to do (in terms of work) and no time for oneself. It happens to many caregivers and they continue to exhaustion. It can lead to all kinds of health problems; at which point one is not able to do more and along with that the guilt that one should be able to do more especially if the patient is a partner.

I paint a picture of the exhausted caregiver. We must not allow this to happen. If there is anything that you can put in place to help I suggest you do that. Caregivers can be so busy that can't even find the time to do that much. I say all of this to ask you to take time out and take care of yourself. You may be the only person who knows how you've filled your day. All the more reason why you need to "Take care of yourself". I'm sure people around you say that to you. Heed their advice. We have learned to pass over that when it is said to us; so really Take care of yourself so that you can help your husband and yourself.

Thinking of you !

Donzim profile image

What is your husbands condition?

cshamb profile image

bypass and strokeaffectinghis balance. Spent 6 weeks un hosp

honeycombe3 profile image

Hi cshamb,

Whilst I am sure many of us are keen to offer advice & support from the little information you provide this is difficult - certainly on the PD front. Info such as follows would bean real help:

How old are you - I am 67

Where do you live - I'm in UK

How. Long have you been dxd - 12yrs in my case

Have you listed all your PD meds - I only take RequipCR & Sinemet at present (with dosages) etc etc

It is no surprise to me given your present lifestyle that you are feeling rough - I'm amazed that you are coping so well. I was in a similar place around 7 yrs ago when my mother in law who was in her 90s & had always lived with us decided she wanted her cancer be nursed at home. The effort nearly caused me to break down until I found out how to get support. You need support. God bless.

HeartSong profile image

Cshamb, stress, poor diet, overwork, no exercise - yes, yes, yes these will all make your PD symptoms worse. You must give yourself care, too. An idea: Has your husband's doctor suggested that he start some mild exercises? If not, could you call the doctor and ask if it's OK? I'm thinking that the two of you might benefit from some of the same exercises, just on different levels. If it's OK for him to exercise, the two of you could start out together with some gentle balancing exercises. He could do just a few, sit down, and then you could do a few more. You might be able to find a physical therapist who would work with you together and design an exercise program with different levels that would benefit you both. You might also be able to do some relaxation exercises together.

Astra7 profile image

Sounds like a stressful situation. I have found azilect very helpful for fatigue, but obviously getting good quality sleep is important too. I hope you can get some help with your husband.

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