In the last couple of months I have started having trouble in the morning with the front of my legs. After breakfast the front of my legs would go empty I would compare it to my younger more athletic days when I would occasionally push my muscles to the point of exhaustion
I tried altering what I had for breakfast with no effect Tried going without coffee with no effect Tried halving and then doing without B1 with the result that within days my constipation came back.
I tried my Madapor and the B1 with a drink but no food until mid day and did not have any symptoms worth bothering with so assumed that it was not the effect of the B1
I had a telephone appointment with my specialist this morning and discussed as above. She has recommended that I increase the Madapor in the morning and try to leave a gap of 60-90 minutes before eating and increase the afternoon dose If this doesn’t work she recommends a test of the muscles ( I have forgotten the name of the test) and a further review
Hope this is helpful to others on here.