The doctors are all aware of my husbands uncontrolled diabetes and the 4 cornary stents he has...then why wont they give us a REALISTIC SURVIVAL PROGNOSIS? If you read things on the internet to try to educate yoursevles, it doesnt look like he may live more then a few months or a year if that. I know a lot has to do with how well hes able to resond to the chemo/which by the way...hes having every possible side effect you can have..but isnt there a way they can help us to mentally prepare . I know it is SOOOO IMPORTANT to stay POSITIVE,,,BUT BEING POSITIVE AND REALISTIC IS SUCH A HARD BALANCE when you don't know the facts. We are all devistated by this disease. He wasnt a drinker, smoker and no famiy we were like many im sure side blinded by this. Thanks in advance for any help. And my God Bless you All!
My 55 year old Loving Husband was jus... - Pancreatic Cancer...
My 55 year old Loving Husband was just diagnosed Dec 24th with stage 3 poss stage 4 due to a spot in is liver w/ Pancreatic Cancer..

Hi there I'm so sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis, my dad was diagnosed in August was told he was a candidate for the whipple but when they attempted to do it the tumour was wrapped around the vein, they ended up doing a biliary bypass to stop the jaundice as a previously fitted stent had became blocked etc, he is now on GEMCAP not sure what your husband is on my dads main side effect is tiredness but tolerable
A recent scan showed shrinkage to dads tumour and he will now be having some radiotherapy, I know it's easy for people to say keep positive as it's easier said than done, my dad is 60 and led a really healthy lifestyle working in the fields and eating healthy, he did smoke at a younger age but gave up, life is so unfair at times and totally understand what your going through.
There is hope Hun never give up xxx
Very sorry to hear about your husband, my step-father was diagnosed with stage 4 PC last March sadly we lost him last October (7 months from diagnoses). The CT scan initially showed spotting in his liver, however a biopsy diagnosed it had spread to the liver. He didn't respond well the GemCap. It's important to remember that everyone is different, try and stay positive for your husband (I know it's very hard). I don't know whether your husband was offered a clinical trial, I have have heard some show promising results. Wishing you and your husband the best of luck! X
Hi , so sorry to hear of the diagnosis , its a devastating cancer , i have PC i am now in my 16th month from diagnosis , i had chemo for 9 months and then it was stopped due to terrible side effects , although it did shrink it , i now am waiting to see oncologist on thursday for my recent scan results , always a worrying time , mine is terminal as its wrapped around 2 viens , my brother died with it 4 years ago . We have to try and be positive but some days its very hard , you will find my story on this website under patients stories ....under Cath Winterburn .
Also there is a group you can join named Familys in support of pancreatic cancer awareness , you will find on facebook , a great bunch of people that have all been touched in some way with PC , plenty of listening ears and share your journey with and some will be able to answer your questions , this group as brought me through some dark times , please look it up and one of the admin will accept you ,
Ali that is the founder of Pancreatic Action is a 5 year survivor and is very knowledgable .
take care Cath x x
Thank you all for responding..I am still in the shock stage but trying to educate myself so I can be the best warrior my husband can expect me to be. His tumor is also wrapped around 2 veins and not a candiate for the whipple. The sugar levels are so out of control and with the steriods in his chemo hes running 400 -500 even with 5 insulin shots a day. I am as my husband would say " a control freak",,,not a great trait of mine..but I am what I am...with thqt said..the frustation (which he doesnt see) in me is eating away at me. I FIX THINGS..I HELP PEOPLE ALL MY LIFE..I LISTEN AND ADIVSE..and now feeling so helpless, useless is tearing me apart. I know being there for him is good..but I want to fix him..He is my soul mate since we were 14 years old..and i cant imagine losing him this soon in our lives. Hes rapidly losing weight..weak,,,and looks sick now...I no longre hug a 235 lb man...I have to gently hold a 180 lb man thqt feels all muscle mass just seems like he is withering away soooo fast right before our eyes..and i Just want to stop it...some how some way .God Bless you all,,,xoxoxox <3
he fight it for two years I know what you are going thought but some cancers you just dont survie sorry about my spellng i would say that it wont be long you need to think if you and your husband what you will do at the end i sorry to say this you need put thing in place now to make as easy has can make the most of this time you have have with each other dont let the cancer take this time from you hold him every day say all the things that you want to now ask the distict nuners about beening home at the end or in hospos make sure to have as many good
days as you can have do nice things for each other I hope this help i wish had told him i love him more than i did but you are so tird up with the cancer you just dont please make the time you with him i would give anything to able say the things i wanted to say and hug him as much as the can god bless you and your husband
Mrs Mary Lynch
Thank you for your honesty. I will pray for you all!
I am so so sorry to read your post. My darling husband died in April of last year just 3 weeks after diagnosis. He was not able to have any treatment just pallative care. My thoughts are with you so so much. Like your husband Mic never smoked, just had a social drink and was what I considered to be a very fit man, always working. Spend every minute you can with your dear hubby and again my thoughts are with you. I too am a member of Families in Support of Pancreatic Cancer. Such a fantastic group, someone always there to give you support,
i am sooooo sorry for your loss...not good stats for this horrific disease. be strong lynn. i requested to join the group...thank you so very much.
CATHDW......i was in the support room the other day..and i got a call from my sister saying thqt everything that i was writing was coming up on my facebook wall. i was so upset..because i use my facebook for my business and i choose not to have certain people know my personal busines.. i was so upset that i just left the room .i am not good with computers to safely do the private settings so i am going to try to make another fb account so i cn come back in.