Hi everyone have been lying low for awhile,but its good to share some good news ,have seen my oncologist and my tumour as shrunk 50% after 8 injections ,I am so happy ,I wish you all well and may this year be a better one .love PoppyStory
Good oncologist reveiw: Hi everyone... - Pancreatic Cancer...
Good oncologist reveiw

Thankuou for your reply ,its lovely to hear from people on this community Poppy
Hi poppy
I’ve been following your story, hope your still doing well..
Thinking of you
Thankyou you so much for getting in touch,I am doing very well ,continuing my injections ,x 28days. Just a couple of off days after ,but I'm coping with that .My tumour has shrunk 50%, so thank you all for your prayers ,It has been a long year but it has taught me so much ,to put your best into every day and be grateful. I do hope you are keeping well. Take care stay safe GodblessLove poppyx
Hi Poppy, not heard from you for a while following your last review. Just wondered how you are keeping and how you are coping with the medication. Thinking of you and sending you my warmest regards.
Hello Poppy,So sorry I haven’t been able to message you but I got taken into hospital about 11 days ago with extreme sickness and diarrhoea.I wasn’t able to hold anything down or in and started to feel so faint.
Eventually the chemo 24/7 phone line told me to go straight to A&E and they admitted me straight away.
After moving 4 different wards I’m in a side room as I had a very low blood test for infection plus very high numbers for my kidneys 194 where it should of been 60.
Very worrying indeed. After a lot of fluids IV steroids IV I’m much better.
They have performed 2 CT Scans and the tumour hasn’t grown but it hasn’t shrunk either.
How are you doing?
Please keep in touch nice to hear from you
Hi there sorry to hear you have been ill ,and Thank God your feeling better.it appears we've had a carbon copy experience,I was admitted to hospital with the same symtoms you have had on the 27/6 I was in for 8 days ,my potassium was low also magnesium.it was awful ,but back with my hubby and in my own bed.you take care my love will be thinking about you ,love Poppyxxxxx🐟
Will be praying for all of you.God Bless Poppy
Many thanks Poppy. I’m waiting to hear if they’ll allow me home today. It’s not perfect, bowels still watery but nothing like it was.I will let you know later on.
Pleased you’re home now, back with hubby.
Thanks again
Not going home today, off to theatre in morning to have a flexible Sigmoidoscopy to check my Ulcerative Colitis.