Hi just looking for some advice as i feel i have nowhere to turn. I'm a 32 year old female, diagnosed with gallstones about a year ago (had no symptoms they were found by chance).
About a month ago I noticed my tummy felt tender and also felt quite bloated, went to see gp who did bloods which all came back normal. She mentioned at this time that the whites of my eyes were slightly yellow (I hadn't noticed) was told it was "probably gallstones"
Over the last month I have been to A and E twice with abdominal and back pain, both times they did my bloods and told me to see my gp and to get them to refer me for a scan. Finally after pushing it had an ultrasound today and was told they think it's just gallstones. As well as the pain symptoms I have had loss of appetite, indigestion, feeling sick, dizzy spells and become very fatigued.
Now that nothing has been picked up on ultrasound I don't know what to do next. I suffer with health anxiety and I'm sure my doctors think I'm crazy so I'm worried they will just dismiss me. I have read that pancreatic cancer isn't always picked up on ultrasound so it was never gonna put my mind at ease.
I have 2 young children and the worry of this has taken over my life. Any advice about what I should do next would be welcome.