Can anyone share what types of exercise is used in physical therapy after the fusion. I can walk about a mile most days but get pain and soreness if I stand too much. I start PT suggested by my surgeon next week.
L5 S1 fusion physical therapy: Can anyone share... - Pain Concern
L5 S1 fusion physical therapy

Having the same problem as although I haven't had mine fused but I go to the pool the water thkes the weight of your body so low impact. I had radio frequency for my S1
My consultant only wanted me to do the exercises that they give you in hospital for the first 6 weeks and other than that just walking small distances several times a day. After the six weeks your physio should give you exercises to do depending on your physical capability. It’s difficult to say on here what would suit you as we won’t know how your body will react. Although after six weeks swimming is a good exercise for most as mission mentioned. After three months it gets easier. But don’t forget the fusion grows more solid for up to 2 years.
I had some ordinary physiotherapy first then was referred on to have aqua physiotherapy which was much better.
Thank you everyone. I will see how it goes before I decide if it is worthwhile at this point. I am concerned because all the discs above my fusion are either bulging or have bone spurs, including cervical involvement.
I had my first PT visit. She had me do hamstring stretches and some core work that consisted of lying on my back and holding in my abs for 5 seconds and then releasing. Next visit she said she will work on the incision area to prevent scar tissue and adhesions. Anyone know what that entails?